I was thinking of setting up a long flight with my Beechcraft using FSP same time and i discover that,if you have choose an airport for refuel(from flight planer by editing the map) and continue your flight to your final destination ,you cant do it .
If you go to fuel pumps and pull brake (in order to refuel)the flight ends and also you cant refuel from Fuel and Paylod option or by hitting ''X''.
Final result...The FSP allows you to create a flight only to the maximum range your craft can reach.I dont like this. 😕
Please correct me if im wrong or if i miss something.
You are correct. Neither FS nor FSP really support multi-legged flight plans. The best you can do with FSP is to have it consider each leg as a separate flight. Sorry.
Thanks for your confirmation Crash 😉
Why you say neither FS?In FS you can plant such a flight...i mean with multi stop points...if i get your state right
Maybe you know a way to create a multi-leg flight plan I never found in FS.
I will give you an example...
If i want to flight from LGAV to LFPG(Charles de Gaulle) when i hit Find Routeit appears the map with my red route line.
If you zoom in your map you can just draw the line to any airport close(or far if you like)to your route.You will notice that your line moves from the departure airport to the selected one and then it continues to your final destination.
If you click ok you will see in the right window which shows you the airoports, that the choosen one has added in the middle of those you have firstly choose and your NavLog have changed.Now you have course,time etc for this airport and after for your final destination one.You will aslo notice in your GPS that this port has added too.
I hope i was clear(always a brick in English language... )
Just stop to refuel and unload, and then have a "2 hour break" and take off again.
Mustangfreak wrote:
Just stop to refuel and unload, and then have a "2 hour break" and take off again.
Yes this is the simple way but if you unload you have to load with new passengers so there is no meaning to it.(at least for me... )
This ''2 hour brake'' is an option or something?What do you mean?
Greekman72 wrote:
Mustangfreak wrote:
Just stop to refuel and unload, and then have a "2 hour break" and take off again.
Yes this is the simple way but if you unload you have to load with new passengers so there is no meaning to it.(at least for me...
This ''2 hour brake'' is an option or something?What do you mean?
unload your pass. start a new flight with a full load of fuel, and load up new pass. and continue to you final destination
But as he said, it looses the meaning for him if he does that. I honestly have no idea how to help you with that one GM. I have done multileg flights with FsPax, but I did simply land, dump everyone off and get fresh dudes. I understand where you're coming from though.
Greekman72 wrote:
I will give you an example...
If i want to flight from LGAV to LFPG(Charles de Gaulle) when i hit Find Routeit appears the map with my red route line.
If you zoom in your map you can just draw the line to any airport close(or far if you like)to your route.You will notice that your line moves from the departure airport to the selected one and then it continues to your final destination.
If you click ok you will see in the right window which shows you the airoports, that the choosen one has added in the middle of those you have firstly choose and your NavLog have changed.Now you have course,time etc for this airport and after for your final destination one.You will aslo notice in your GPS that this port has added too.I hope i was clear(always a brick in English language...
But does it add new waypoints to your next destination or just add the second destination and treat it like direct gps? If the latter, it is highly unrealistic for passenger flying.
But as he said, it looses the meaning for him if he does that. I honestly have no idea how to help you with that one GM. I have done multileg flights with FsPax, but I did simply land, dump everyone off and get fresh dudes. I understand where you're coming from though.
Thanks FEM. 😉 Its ok. 😉
But does it add new waypoints to your next destination or just add the second destination and treat it like direct gps? If the latter, it is highly unrealistic for passenger flying.
If i get you right dear Crash i think that it adds new waypoints.Give a try and tell me your opinion about it.Im really interesting to hear your opinion
I will try it later today, my friend. I will let you know.
CrashGordon wrote:
I will try it later today, my friend. I will let you know.
Take your time Crash 😉
that is a goosd suggestion for the next release of FSP, but in many ways I thought it was realistic, as every flight I have been on that made a stop exchanged many of the passengers. That's because all stops except the final take place at a hub.
Of course it is realistic and i enjoy it very much.I must admit that since i install FSPax i fly per day the hours i was flying per week... 😉
Hm...I happened to be in mid air having a flight planned that requires a refuel when I was reading this thread; I calculated I would just be short of a few gallons at the end, so I modified my flightplan to cross over an airport, thinking I'd land and refuel there.
Approx. 20 miles before reaching it I started my descend, cancelled flight following and contacted the tower...
**KL510, Airport is currently IFR, request denied".
- But Sir I need fuel, or I'll crash.
Anyway, there was no discussing with this chap, he wouldnt listen to reason so I decided to violate a dozen or so rules and followed a cessna on final, landed right behind it -safely and smoothly- taxied to the fuel station and sure enough it did refuel.
I didn't set the parking brakes as I think I read somewhere that that's the end of your FSPax flight, and wouldnt want to take the risk.
I've taken off again now, tuned in on departure and resumed flight following, and I and am on my way to my final destination.
No sign of any passengers being uncomfortable with my unannounced stop...Satisfaction at 88% but that's only because I accidentially hit Shift+E instead of Shift+3
I suppose I'll find out if FSPax is buying this in 1.5 hour when I will land at URMT....
Those passengers really had me fooled, saying they were satisfied all the time 😞
As for touchdown speed and average flight speed, Yes I was in a bit of a hurry and yes the landing wasn't all that great. The crosswinds didn't really help matters either... underestimated those!
Flight ID: KL510
Pilot: Ardjan Stam
Company: Royal Dutch Airlines
Aircraft: Beech Baron 58 SP
Flight Date: January 12 2006
Departure: 18h39 (17h40 GMT)
Arrival: 23h01 (21h02 GMT)
From: UMMS - Minsk 2 - Russia
To: UKCC - Donetsk - Russia
Nbr of Passengers: 4
Incident Report:
For some reason a cabin door was opened during flight and experts agree this is one of the dumbest things one can do. The pilot was able to land the aircraft safely.
Flight Distance: 757 Nm Landing Speed: 87.94 kt
Time Airborne: 04h00:38 Landing Touchdown: -459.23 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 04h22:28 Landing Pitch: -0.52°
Time On Ground: 00h22:39 Landing Weight: 5211 lbs
Average Speed: 188.85 kt Total Fuel Used: 313 lbs
Max. Altitude: 5561ft Fuel Not Used: 537 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Mostly uneventful apart from a few moments. (73%)
-Are angry because they didn't reach their planned destination.
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Didn't like that you forgot the belt sign during take-off and landing.
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was average,the tickets price good,passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 73%
Your company reputation is now: 91% (-1.86 decrease)
Overall Flight Result: Horrible
Pilot's Penalty points: -950 points
You didn't land at the scheduled airport URMT and you didn't declare an emergency. (-350)
Opening doors while in flight is a VERY bad idea. (-600)
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