
Pro Member Chief Captain
Michael Thomas (SteveT) Chief Captain


Im looking to buy a mic for FS9 and was wondering how I would use it in order to speak to people on Multiplayer in FS. Will I need something like TeamSpeak or something like that?


P.s - anyone who does have a mic and talks to people while doing multiplayer on FS9 when I would love to fly with you whillst talking!!

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

A few of my friends have headsets with mic's and they use http://www.skype.com/ .

Go to your local store and see what they have.


Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

I use a Logitec 350 (I think that's the number) headset when I fly with VATSIM. It definitly makes life easier, the ear pads are comfortable and clear, and the mic is very nicely positioned. My only complaint is that even though it is a "noise-cancelling" mic, it can still pick up a lot of ambient noise.

My advice when looking for head-sets is to go USB. Making it USB essentially gives you a second sound card, so rather than hearing ALL of your FS9 sounds in the headset, you can single out the voice channel!

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

That's the same one I use. Even though I'm too much of a chicken to fly vatsim. Crying or Very sad It is quite comfortable, though.

Pro Member First Officer
KenTel First Officer

I use a www.eDimensional.com Audio FX Headset with force feedback, and I have slightly defective hearing, and I find these very good, and comfortable over long periods. I FSHost an online Multiplay using Teamspeak, which gives very good sound. But I am looking at other alternatives, as TS does have quite an effect on fs2004, it knocks my fps down from around 20 to as low as 8 sometimes.

But failing to find an alternative, I shall put Teamspeak, and FSHost on a spare computer, which is down at present, thereby hopefully shedding/sharing the load.

I notice someone recommending using USB, well I thought the same, but was told that the disadvantages of this, out-weighed the advantages. I was pointed to a URL with all the info, but sadly I can't find it at present, if I do, I'll post it on here.


PS --------------------- My online hosting is not on a regular basis, as I started it just for myself and another forum member to learn together, and we indulge in an irregular time-table.

If anyone uses FSHostSpy, and you wish to join us, then if active it will be shown as "Katie Flys", or something similar. But at present, we don't use any flight-plans, just learning together as best we can.

Just one proviso, please don't bring any bad laguage with you, I've got a big pair of boots. Just one other item, would prefer that you are using fs2004, if you do join us. BTW 'US' is 'verygom' and 'I'.

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