Just came across this

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Hey all,

I was looking through the screenshot gallery and came across this picture from pilotflyr


I take it, it is a real picture and hasn't been photoshopped, but I can never tell anyway.

Any ideas as to what could have caused it ❓


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Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Probably a couple of beers of the ground mechanic,which cause a bad relationship between him and his screwdriver... 😉 😂

Good find Jon.I think that this is a real photo. 😳

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Greekman72 wrote:

Probably a couple of beers of the ground mechanic,which cause a bad relationship between him and his screwdriver... 😉 😂


Pro Member Chief Captain
Insight Chief Captain

Yeh I am pretty sure this is real

Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

Darn it!!!!!!!
As soon as I saw that pic,I remembered seeing it with a description but i can't remember what it said!!!! Evil or Very Mad It's real,that's all i can remember!FSFS!!!I'm infected!!!

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

I'm sure I've seen this on airliners.net before with a descriptions.

Greekman72 wrote:

Probably a couple of beers of the ground mechanic,which cause a bad relationship between him and his screwdriver... 😉 😂

Good find Jon.I think that this is a real photo. 😳


Pro Member Captain
Micah Captain

scary pic though, imagine you had the wing seat and saw it all fall apart before your eyes!!

Micah 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

I've seen that pic before. Someone was saying that it was fake or something.

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

It must have been edited, the chances of the cowling coming off a jet engine is highly unlikely, surely they must be held on my hundreds of fasteners? 😕

Pro Member Trainee
Lt_Fred Trainee

jarred_01 wrote:

It must have been edited, the chances of the cowling coming off a jet engine is highly unlikely, surely they must be held on my hundreds of fasteners? 😕

Depends on the thread size of the original fasteners, and what was put in recently. Remember when that Capt got sucked out of the left seat because someone on the ground "eyeballed" some fasteners and put in some which were too small. The left-front window actually blew out.

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