
Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Hi all
I was looking in the fs9s sound folder and came across a sound file called barn_fx ! So I played it and its chicken sounds!!!
So I went hunting for an open barn in fs ........................Cant find one
Some open one end only(tried landing in one and no soundfx)
I did find a farm with some cattle (not seen them before) but no chickens

This file has to be there for a reason so next time your out and about keep a look out for a barn thats open both ends (or better still fly through and see if you can call up the chickens


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Pro Member Site Admin
Fly Away Simulation (Flyaway) Site Admin

Hehe, I wonder if MS actually used it - it would be funny. Lets get barnstorming!

Elkin Guest

You have to land away from the barn, walk up QUIETLY to the chickens. Otherwise the aircraft litterally shocks them into silence. AND when uoi walk up to them! You best have some corn to give them!!!!

Elkin Guest

If you choose the adeventure flight for the jenny, it gives you the option to fly through an open barn with chickens.

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

Oh, I love the variety of this sim !

CHICKEN TALK ! ........... love it.

I remember a post on here a couple months ago about some huge visible chickens that were built into the scenery - I think in San Fran, or Hong Kong.

Maybe the Chicken Sound File is for if you fly close enough to them...

I'm just worried about TTT's checking out all these animals... Chickens and cows are ok, but if he mentions looking for Sheep, I'm outta here !

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Ermm... Whats wrong with sheep?

PS I have read somewhere that there is a Barnstorming adventure in fs9 and that activates the chicken sounds(thou I have not found(or looked)for it)

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