I would appreciate it too much if someone could explain me what is the purpose of Touch and Go process.
Thanks in advance. 😉
I had wondered the exact same question GM 😉
You should find a lot of helpful replies in there. If not, come back and I'm sure someone will fill you in a bit more 👍
If you don't want to read the whole post, here is a defintion from Don Wood:
SoCalRick is correct. T&G's are used to save time, fuel, and aircraft expense while practicing landing techniques during initial training and to maintain currency after licensing. There is very little to be learned taxiing back to the runway after landing, once you have basic taxiing concepts mastered. Doing T&G's allows you to make more landings in any given period of time than full stop landings would.
Good that you put in the quote, the link to the post doesn't work. 😉 Don gave a good explanation.
There is also such a thing as a Stop and Go. Same thing but you stop, reconfigure and take off again(on a long runway). Night currency requires 3 full stop landings within 90 days, this would be a practical reason for doing Stop and Go's at night. 🙂
Thanks a lot Jon.
The link you gave me seems that doesnt work(maybe only for me... )but the infos of Don Wood are enough to get me into the point.Thanks a lot. 😉
CRJCapt wrote:
Good that you put in the quote, the link to the post doesn't work. 😉 Don gave a good explanation.
There is also such a thing as a Stop and Go. Same thing but you stop, reconfigure and take off again(on a long runway). Night currency requires 3 full stop landings within 90 days, this would be a practical reason for doing Stop and Go's at night. 🙂
And thank you too CRJCapt. 👍
Thank you. I thought you didn't like me anymore. 🙂
Just kidding! 🙂
CRJCapt wrote:
Thank you. I thought you didn't like me anymore. 🙂
Just kidding! 🙂
There is no reason for this ❗ ❗ ❗
Dont you never think of this even for fun Such kind of thoughts makes me very sad
You are a very humble,reasonable and full of knowledge,person and i appriciate it a lot....More than you can imagine. ❗
😉 🍻
BTW, I have a new instructor Matthew Silver, (He's got the same first name and initials as me) since my old on moved to Kansas to fly for a cargo company. With my old instructor we used to practice something similiar to a "Stop and Go" but instead we turned off of the runway and onto the taxiway and reconfigured while taxing to the beginnning of the runway. I forget the reason for this, it wasn't because the runway length though because it was plenty long.
Sorry about the dead link Don Wood has a more detailed insight into touch and go's at the bottom of the link 😉
That one should work 😉
Yes it is. 👍
Thanks Jon 😉
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