Plane robbery on EGLL.

Sico2 Guest

I've read yesterday in some little local, Liverpool newspaper (I think it was called Metro) that a SAS MD-81 airplane has been robbed right after landing in Hethrow, he was on its way to Stockholm!?. Apparently few guys with guns in trucks came to the airport workers who were unpacking the plane and asked them for money or similar. The article was very chaotic and unspecified. Does anyone know any details?

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Gorbarog Guest

The plane was going from Heathrow to Landvetter (EGLL) in Gothenburg. The plane was on the apron when 4 guys jumped out of a car and took a couple of boxes whit money. According to the newspapers here in Sweden they got almost 50 000 000 SEK that’s almost 10 000 000€ and the largest robbery in Swedish history. The police arrested 2 guys today that they think was a part of the robbery. The question is how the hell did they get all the way to the plane whit their car at the airport? This is the second time a plane gets robbed so they should have upgraded the security.

Gorbarog Guest

Correction, it was 60 000 000 SEK and that is 6265337€ or $7471980. I’m a bit tired 🙂

Sico2 Guest

why there's no news in web about this.. noone on talks about it whatsoever.. weird.

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

aye i saw this on the news - didn;t hear that the amount was as large as that + what the hell was that much doing on a civilian flight?!

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