how do you fly a cirrus? it's not a yoke, nor is it a stick

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

You fly it just like any other aircraft. It has a stick, it's just on the side. Airbus aircraft have a side stick also. I believe that it was easier to design and build with a side stick rather than a conventional stick. 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

fly by wire...i think that's right. yes? electronic joystick instead of manual; pulleys etc.


hinch wrote:

fly by wire...i think that's right. yes? electronic joystick instead of manual; pulleys etc.

Nope, its not FBW.

spuddi Guest

its more like a yoke, only it is off to the side and only has one arm (you use your left hand only if your the PIC and your right hand if your in the right seat).

so to dive you push the "stick" in,
to pull up you pull it out,
to roll left you twist it to the left
and no prizes for guessing how to roll right.

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

well, it sounds this easy, but I guess you need some training to get used to it

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