My First Trans-Atlantic Flight

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

Well today I have sucsessfully completed my first transatlantic flight. I bought the PMDG 747 earlier this week and thought I would try it out. My flight was from KJFK to EGLL as Virgin Atlantic flight 3. It was great. I started her out then left for work and came home and began the descent and nailed the landing. Now for some more long haul flights. I'lll probably have to think about getting the Freighter add-on since this is the BEST airplane ever made for FS.

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Pro Member First Officer
Nick (-Jester-) First Officer

Sounds cool I am thinking about what 747 to go with. Either the PMDG or the Ready For Pushback 747-200 V2. Cool though glad you like your new toy 🙂

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

I wish I would have taken some pics. Jester I am sure that the PMDG is the way to go. It's worth every $55 that I spent on it. IMO, it is the best airplane mad for FS and let alone in the real world. You should really check it out.

Pro Member First Officer
Ryan Finn (pilotguy44) First Officer

PMDG is definitely one of the best aircraft developers out there for FS9...

too bad I don't have any $$$ at the moment 😞

and while we're on topic of trans-atlantic flights... i've completed quite a few of those.. although the total accumulated time is probably equal to one crossing... seeing that I use time compression, lol

let's see.. I've also made several Hawaii-mainland flights.. and even one trans-pacific flight, which was a Cathay A340 from LAX to Hong Kong. I was on the computer over 2 hours with time compression on, lol

eh.. when/if I become an airline captain someday.. I think I want to stick to the commuters and CRJs ... it's more exciting that sitting and letting the autopilot fly for 9 and a half hours. 😳

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

WEll no time compression for me. I find it easier jsut to set up the airplane and let it fly and leave and go and do something. Man I cannot wait for PMDG to release their MD-11. I am not going to buy anyother airplane until then. Then I can do some FedEx flight especially the ones frim Hawaii to the mainland. I also might try a transpacific one or two. But I still cant wait for the MD-11.

Pro Member First Officer
beerbadger First Officer

Very nice, where you using fsp? I would love to see the report, unless it was bad =) which im sure its not.

Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

Well done Jared ❗ ❗ ❗

😀 😀 😀

Pro Member First Officer
leachus2002 First Officer

Hi Jared,

I was just wondering how you get away with taking off, leaving for work and arriving back in time to land?

Are you fling using VFR?


Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

You can file an IFR flightplan and then when they request you change frequencies, you just leave that frequency but don't change to the new frequency, so ATC don't pester you.

Alternatively, you can cancel your IFR flightplan and then restart it when you get near the airport you are landing at


Pro Member First Officer
patw First Officer

99jolegg wrote:

You can file an IFR flightplan and then when they request you change frequencies, you just leave that frequency but don't change to the new frequency, so ATC don't pester you.

Alternatively, you can cancel your IFR flightplan and then restart it when you get near the airport you are landing at


This is what I do when I fly over night from KJFK (New York) to EGLL (Heathrow), depart from KJFK at 19:00 New York time which I arrive to the UK at 07:00, enough time for me to have breakfast while landing and go to work. I have done this route at least 6 times a month and as long as I have enough fuel on my PMDG 747, I always make it.

Pro Member First Officer
leachus2002 First Officer

Thats a good idea peeps, but I find that even when I am flying in a straight line I sometimes vear off the course I should be flying and then ATC will re-align me at some point, so if I left the flight for 10 hours then I could be way off course, no?

Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

Happy to see you did a good flight!

Pro Member First Officer
leachus2002 First Officer

Am I also right in thinking that the flight from JFK to Heathrow should take about 7 hours? Lets say 7.30 hours with taxing times yea? Does that sound about right?


Pro Member First Officer
patw First Officer

leachus2002 wrote:

Am I also right in thinking that the flight from JFK to Heathrow should take about 7 hours? Lets say 7.30 hours with taxing times yea? Does that sound about right?


If using FMC, the aircraft will stay on course while you are asleep (I've never had a problem) you could also reduce your speed to 300 to gain more time.
Yes, its is around 7 hrs and 30 min but if you get a go around that another 30 min. it good to fly in real time as you back to the uk at dawn and with UT its busy at Heathrow first thing in the morning with all those other overnight flights from all over the globe coming into Heathrow.

Pro Member First Officer
amermel First Officer

haha 😂

Pro Member Trainee
Greg1138 Trainee

99jolegg wrote:

Alternatively, you can cancel your IFR flightplan and then restart it when you get near the airport you are landing at

When I have tried this, FS always wants me to go right back to the BEGINNING of the flightplan and more-or-less start the entire flight again...... I doing something wrong.....?

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

Well I didn't use VATSIM for this flight because my computer doesn't have a perminant internet YET. In about a week or two I will. It toook me about 7 hours roughly. I forgot to take a pic of the ACARS page 🙄 . Well I only had a 3 hours shift that day so I turned on the pause at top of descent feature. So I took her off and got her up too cruise. Then I just make sure that everything was alright then I left for work. When I came home it was paused then from there I could set her up for descent. It is such an awesome feature on an awesome plane. And no beerbadger, I do not use FSP. Now my next flight will be from RJAA to KMSP on NWA( In FS of course).

Pro Member First Officer
patw First Officer

Greg1138 wrote:

99jolegg wrote:

Alternatively, you can cancel your IFR flightplan and then restart it when you get near the airport you are landing at

When I have tried this, FS always wants me to go right back to the BEGINNING of the flightplan and more-or-less start the entire flight again...... I doing something wrong.....?

When you restart the IFR flight plan FS will ask if you want the aircract to to placed at depart airport, just say no and then continue with IFR flight plan where ever you are (it will be part of your ATC menu options.

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