Around the World

Pro Member First Officer
davidmac1 First Officer

Does any one know some routes that will take me around the world (preferably starting in the UK) I would like at most 4 hour legs (give or take)

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Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

I'd suggest the following taking into consideration 4 hour legs ➡

London -> Istanbul -> Delhi -> Singapore -> Perth -> Sydney -> Auckland -> Fiji -> haiwii -> Los Angeles -> Chicago -> New York -> Rejkevlavik->Edinburgh -> London


Pro Member First Officer
davidmac1 First Officer

OK, I'll check that out, and will probably start tomorrow. i think i will head north through some of russia, before turning backward, through some of asia to turkey before going your suggested routes - just to make it a bit more interesting!


This may sound a bit stupid but is there any routes that you can do around the world in 1 hour legs?? I don't really mind if it takes over 2 weeks.. its just I don't have 4 hours to spend everyday

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

This may sound a bit stupid but is there any routes that you can do around the world in 1 hour legs?? I don't really mind if it takes over 2 weeks.. its just I don't have 4 hours to spend everyday

Why you dont start to search it?😉
When i had to do something familiar in past i create a huge route From Greece to US via Russia and add middle waypoints by dragging the red route line on the map.When you hit nav log you will see the distance and the average time of your flights.You can delete the waypoints that you dont like or are too long and add others with the same method.It takes me about four weeks(real life here too 😉 ) but it was a great experience. 😀

Guest Ed Guest

Anonymous wrote:

This may sound a bit stupid but is there any routes that you can do around the world in 1 hour legs?? I don't really mind if it takes over 2 weeks.. its just I don't have 4 hours to spend everyday

I don't think it could be done in two weeks, flying an hour a day. Unless you flew it at the Arctic Circle or something. The world is a big place. If you flew it at the equator, and averaged 1,000 mph (which you can't do with default FS09 aircraft), it would take 25 days flying one hour a day.

That being said, the hard part is going to be getting across the Pacific Ocean. There are some significant stretches where there just aren't any islands within an hour's flying time.

Even flying from the Kamchatka Peninsula over to the Aleutian Islands in Alaska is several hundred miles, and if you're flying a jet you can't land at the first airport you come to because the runway is too short.

You'd probably have to go further north, and make the jump at the Bering Straits, then come back down through Alaska and the Pacific Coast of North America.

But up in the Arctic areas of Russia, airports are few and far between. So you'd probably have to cross Asia much further south, then come up the coast of China, into Siberia, and jump across way up north.

To cross the Atlantic, you'd have the same problem, just not as bad-- you'd have to go way north, maybe cross from Canada to Greenland to Iceland to Ireland, something like that.



Well when I am going over the Pacific, can I just save my game in flight and then load it and continue some other day??

Guest Ed Guest

Anonymous wrote:

Well when I am going over the Pacific, can I just save my game in flight and then load it and continue some other day??

It's okay with me if you want to do that. But the question to ask yourself is: "Does my aircraft have enough fuel to cross 12,000 miles of ocean without landing, or am I going to land on an island and buy jet fuel from friendly natives?" 😉

To save a flight in progress, just hit the semicolon ( ; ) key, and give the flight a name. Next time you want to fly, find that flight and load it.



can i ask why would you want to fly around the world? wouldnt it get borin? and the suggested routes how do you put them into the flight planner? and if you run out of petrol how do you 'buy'more without restarting?

Guest Ed Guest

Anonymous wrote:

can i ask why would you want to fly around the world? wouldnt it get borin? and the suggested routes how do you put them into the flight planner? and if you run out of petrol how do you 'buy'more without restarting?

1) I have flown around the world to see if I could do it. It takes a bit of planning, a bit of creativity, a bit of perserverence. If you're not careful, you might learn a bit of geography on the way. 😉 The second time I did it was to try a different way-- over the poles instead of west to east. If it gets boring, well there's always the ole' "Simulation Rate X16" trick. . .

2) What ever route you want to fly, you can put in the flight planner one segment at a time. Just create a new flight for each segment. Or file a new IFR plan at each airport for the next segment. Or just put it in the GPS as a direct flight. You could, I suppose, do it as one honkin' big flight plan with 20 or 30 waypoints, but that seems tedious. And I like to make it up as I go along. 😂

3) You can always add fuel at any time. Click "alt" open the "Aircraft" menu, then "Fuel and Payloads" and then "Fuel." Just type in the amount you want to have in each tank, as a percentage. Or what many people do is to assign a key combination (I use control-f) to add fuel. In the jets, I have to click it a few times to completely fill the tanks, or just one click to add a little fuel.


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