For about a half year my FS would not respond when I tried to enter the main menu, and kneeboard etc. I tried it all from reinstalling FS, getting the newest files and using the lowest graphics.
Today I found the reason for the problem. Internet explorer Beta 7. Uninstalled it and everything worked perfect again.
So to all of you FS'ers out there - keep away from IE7!
Sorry if this have been posted before, but i'm so happy at the moment 😀
It has been posted but we are glad you solve your problem anyway. 😉
Frequent Flyer wrote:
For about a half year my FS would not respond when I tried to enter the main menu, and kneeboard etc. I tried it all from reinstalling FS, getting the newest files and using the lowest graphics.
Today I found the reason for the problem. Internet explorer Beta 7. Uninstalled it and everything worked perfect again.
So to all of you FS'ers out there - keep away from IE7!Sorry if this have been posted before, but i'm so happy at the moment 😀
Please explain why I have IE7 beta 2 installed and my FS works just fine.
You are gifted from higher grounds.
Frequent Flyer wrote:
You are gifted from higher grounds.
Hardly. 😂 😂 😂
Actually, I re-red your post after having some coffee. The kneeboard problems is a known one with IE7. But, since I don't use the kneeboard... 🙄
That's why it's called a Beta, it has bugs and you should report it so the final will work for everyone, without bugs.
The problems with the slides...Windowblinds!
Yeah... but what on earth can IE7 contain that screws up FS? 😳 😀
I have had no problem with IE7 Beta, so having a title like 'IE7 F**** FS UP!' is not the best title to have when its not a total wide spread problem, But it being a Beta version, you did install it at your own risk.
Actually, there is nothing wrong with IE7b2. The problem is that certain things in FS, like the kneeboard and "in plane web browsers" are not compatible with it. and crash.
So, when someone says IE7 messes up FS, he is almost correct. Portions of FS, like the kneeboard use IE and make calls to it. Apparently there have been changes in the IE API in IE7 that FS can not use.
never use the knee pad to i never would know that
patw wrote:
never use the knee pad to i never would know that
Yep, you don't need knee pads to fly. 😂
Sorry for the bad title, but it pissed me off!
IE7 did not only screw the kneeboard up, but also the main menu, and thats kind of annoying.
Quite an easy fix though and no need to uninstall IE7
Which might be a good thing. I discovered that I couldn't as there was no uninstall option in the add/remove programs. A call to MS got me bumped up to level 2 tech support which should be calling me back today.
I wanted to remove IE7b2 to install IE7b3. To MS' credit, their tech support is actually in the US, rather than Bombay.
CrashGordon wrote:
Which might be a good thing. I discovered that I couldn't as there was no uninstall option in the add/remove programs. A call to MS got me bumped up to level 2 tech support which should be calling me back today.
I wanted to remove IE7b2 to install IE7b3. To MS' credit, their tech support is actually in the US, rather than Bombay.
Crash, See if this helps.
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