Fraps FPS

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

Hey guys, i wil sound like a noob Embarassed but, i dont realy understand what FPS should i put when recording the video 15,20,30.... The lowest or the highest, and another question, when i record the vidoe on fraps, the grapgic sucks, i want to show the video as it is in my computer.
Doesn anybody can help me, Thank you i appreciate for ur help.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

tiger7881 wrote:

Hey guys, i wil sound like a noob Embarassed but, i dont realy understand what FPS should i put when recording the video 15,20,30.... The lowest or the highest, and another question, when i record the vidoe on fraps, the grapgic sucks, i want to show the video as it is in my computer.
Doesn anybody can help me, Thank you i appreciate for ur help.

well for fps, test a bit and see what your system can handel, but nothin higher than 24.The most the eye can see is 24, so anything over 24 is overflow.

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

Thank you, I have another question, how can i improve the graphics in my video??

Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

tiger7881 wrote:

Thank you, I have another question, how can i improve the graphics in my video??

well,if the whole video is extremely schaky try to turn down the fps.Usually you see everything better in a vid or in a screenshot than you do actually flying in the fs.But it it's really bad,try for the last choice-select window in fraps instead of full.YOu'll have great graphics in the vid,but th evid will be smaller.

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