Non-VOR waypoints

cumpaniciu_one Guest

I created a flight plan that has quite a few non-VOR waypoints (just lat/long specification). At some of the waypoints I'm supposed to change heading.

Assuming I'm not using the GPS terminal, how am I supposed to know when I reach a given waypoint? Is the calculated time en route from the flight plan the only hint?

How about making sure there is no wind drift? I know, I know, the GPS solves it all, but I'd like to understand how it's done in the real world.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

In the real world, you would fly from VOR to VOR. You could not make up waypoints or fly to Lat-long coordinates. Intersections are located on airways that are identified by DME, crossing VOR radial or by time computation. Passing over the VOR station is signaled by the receiver. The VOR receiver takes care of the wind drift, you would track to the VOR station. A aeronautical chart is used to identify airways for course changes at VOR's or intersections. 🙂


CRJCapt wrote:

In the real world, you would fly from VOR to VOR.

Interesting. So you say that a course change can only happen at VOR/NDB waypoints? I'll have to check again, it seems to me that FS9 would generate flight plans with course changes at any kind of waypoint.

Thank you.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

A VOR airway would only change direction at a VOR or a intersection on that airway. This is real world not FS flight planner. What I'm talking about is plane VOR navigation, No FMC,FMS, GPS, flight planners. The only thing that a VOR receiver see's is the VOR station and it's radials, you have to figure the rest. You can go direct to another VOR anytime you're in range at any time.🙂


CRJCapt wrote:

A VOR airway would only change direction at a VOR or a intersection on that airway. This is real world not FS flight planner. What I'm talking about is plane VOR navigation, No FMC,FMS, GPS, flight planners. The only thing that a VOR receiver see's is the VOR station and it's radials, you have to figure the rest. You can go direct to another VOR anytime you're in range at any time.🙂

You are right. I verified in FS and indeed, the only course change is either on a VOR or on an INTERSECTION WPT that directly leads to a VOR. There are no changes of direction that don't lead to a VOR, as I thought.

Thanks a lot for your answers!

Pro Member First Officer
PH First Officer

In the UK it is often the case however that you may join an airway via an intersection. When flying a light twin for example without GPS/FMC you need to make use of all your nav instruments to take crosscuts to verify your position. Worst case in the real world ask for a heading!

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