land speed record game

maddoccanis Guest

i have uploaded a land speed record game for fs9. it includes scenery for a bonneville salt flats raceway and two very different jet cars. you can run them up to near mach one then try to stop before you run out of smooth flat salt. the game description i s at:

the download files are at:

you can e-mail me for more info:

have fun.....doc

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Pro Member First Officer
michlin First Officer

Your file download link is (could not be found) dead. Surprised


Same here.
Looks like an interesting concept. 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
maddoc Trainee

i forgot the dot com on the end. i should have been more clear, the numerical address is the same as the text.

Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

Looks like a fun idea! Will try it out!

Can I give some constructive criticism about the site? The colours clash and on anything bigger than 1024x768 the background wraps round on itself - also you should reduce the opacity of the background image it or have a plain background (makes text VERY hard to read otherwise). And get rid of Times New Roman, change it to Arial and it'll look tons better.

Pro Member Trainee
maddoc Trainee

i wasn't sure which page you were refeing to. i don't think there is any new times on either. in any case i did some improvements on the land speed page....doc

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