Bad News

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

Sup people long time eh?....anway to the point...

I broke me leg....

i broke it playing football for my school, we were playing the hardest team we were scheduled to play. It was a home game and i BIG RIVALLERY! but anyway it happened at the 37 yard Line 3rd down and 32 seconds left in the game... IT SUCKED! I play Right Tackle on the Defencive Line, and someone NAILED me in my leg! it cracked in a spiral and just above my anckel IT HURT! anyway it happended last Wednsday but anyway WE WON! score... 24-7 that game put us in the Playoffs. our record is 4-0 if we can win our next game then we will be undefeated making it my school 4th time in a row of being undefeated and winning the Champoinship! my school is ranked 1st in 10 counties! weve won over 9 champoinships! 4 IN A ROW!

aint nothing can beat us!

anyway just checking in....

Answers 7 Answers

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Pro Member First Officer
Donald Stratton (GoneGolfing) First Officer

JarJarBinks, thats great 4-0 nice start sorry to hear about the leg.
I used to play TE in high school and at UNH for a while, would of
loved to go all the way but thats when the wife came into play. 😞

Pro Member First Officer
PIC1stOfficer First Officer

Hope that leg gets better. I too was injured playing football, and again in basketball in school. (Way back then.) Speedy recovery to you. 🙂

Pro Member Captain
PanAmerican Captain

Sucks that you broke you leg. I'm surprised that I haven't broken anything in football, yet. I play a lot of defense. Mainly Corner, Tight End, and Middle Linebacker. I occasionally play offense, but that's only if someone is injurned. My school's Varsity is 3-1. We need to win our next three games in order to go to the playoff's. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Guest Ed Guest

I bet they made you get up and hop off the field, right? 😉

Sorry to hear about your injury, heal fast.

Just think of it as an excuse to spend more time flying! 😀


Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

yeah i was on the field for so long ( about 5 min)....(honestly)....they brought the trainer onto the field to acess me, well she asked....Can u get up and walk?... ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ hello the first words you said that were wrong were "can you get up" ❗

and so yeah i still go to practice but it is really dipressing... Crying or Very sad

any im out..

Pro Member First Officer
earthqu8kes First Officer

that sucks...ive only broken one bone and that was is third grade...iwas jumping from a slide to a set of monkrybars...i know i do lots of stupid known for that. 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

😂 😂 😂 Stupid things may still be stupid, but sometimes they're fun! Oh and eathquakes happy 400 posts!!! 😀 😀 😀

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