pmdg question

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

ok my moms and dad freind came over a few days ago and hes a captain of the 777 and I asked him how could i get the planes to follow its route automatically he said get your route diplayed and once above 400ft hit lnav and perhapse he said vnav to and the plane will follow its course however whenever I hit those keys and im above 400ft it says no acstive route yet I hit activate on the route page why?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

You must 1st input your route into the FMC,it will tell you if there is a route error(the FMC calls it a discontinuity)
If your flight plan has any errors it will not be entered
You will have to make sure you are inputting the correct route

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

i don't think there is an error because my route pops up on the navigational display

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

How do you close discontinuities when setting waypoints on the FMC?

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

you have to set waypoints I just program my route and go to route type in the id go to dep/arr and hit the runways and there it is I didn't know I had to use waypoints


Pro Member Chief Captain
Solotwo Chief Captain

Read manuals, do tutorials. FMC's and most payware planes are advanced products that try and simulate as much realism and possible. Real pilots don't just jump in and fly planes, and neither should you.

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

I agree 100%solotwo and by the way nice sig at the bottom (Warning buying fsx might lower your i.q ROFL

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