Apparently not enough time in the Sim...

Pro Member First Officer
Canyon (NoWorries) First Officer

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

No excuse for landing on a taxiway instead of the runway, runway lights are white and taxiway lights are blue. It didn't say which runway but it sounds like runway 29. It doesn't have a instrument approach procedure and they were probably doing a visual approach. Here's the airport diagram:

murjax Guest

I can't believe this. Runways are so easy to spot. I think those pilots should be Banned from flying for a while and take the time to practice on flight simulator.

Pro Member First Officer
TimH First Officer

Believe me, in real life they arent as easy to spot as you might think, espcially when it is a city airport and stuck in the middle of the city, with little space around the perimeter of the runway, then it can be tricky to spot

In FS its easier

Still no excuse to land on a taxiiway

newslover Guest

Runways are not at all easy to spot especially in bad weather... and airfields are very hard to spot!! Only really good pilots are able to fly to an unfamiliar airstrip and find it!!

FS runways are very very very very easy to spot!

I take my hat off for all those bush pilots!

Pro Member First Officer
PH First Officer

Did well to land on such a narrow "Runway"!

murjax Guest

Oh my gosh, look at this.[/url] I can't believe this all happend at the same airport on the same day. What on earth is going on here? 😕

Pro Member First Officer
ARD-DC First Officer
murjax Guest

ARD-DC wrote:

and relax, no one was injured Wink

Thank goodness, but still a bad day for Newark.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I found more information on the 757 that landed on the taxiway at Newark(KEWR). I was a Continental 757 and just as I guessed, it was landing on runway 29 but touched down on taxiway Z. Now to go and try it in the simulator.

I landed on taxiway Z but ran out of room, I still don't see how you could miss the runway.

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