US Airways offers $8 Billion to Delta

Pro Member Captain
PanAmerican Captain

Heard on the news this morning that US Airways has offered Delta 8 Billion Dollars. I wonder, if they merge, how it would work out. US Airways is going all Airbus and Delta is going all Boeing.

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7dream8liner7 Guest

Yea, I heard that on CNN today, but I also believe I heard (don't quote me on this) that Delta said that they always have been and always will be and independant airline.

I have no idea how the deal would work it it was done.

Pro Member First Officer
Matt (mattdean) First Officer

It is because US airways are slowly going under, they are desparatly trying to merge with somebody!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Solotwo Chief Captain

No, Delta is going under, or was, they declared bankruptcy awhile ago. US Airways tried to buy them out before but Delta declined. Now US Airways was waiting for Delta to start making money before they bought them out.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

I dont recall Delta owning Airbus aircraft?....correct me if im wrong but i thought that they only operated Boeing, Bombardiar, and Embrear jest?

anyway, it would be nice if Delta could stay around for a while they used to have the largest fleet in the world, they currently have the largest B767 fleet in the world.

Nice find PanAm

Pro Member First Officer
Matt (mattdean) First Officer

Solotwo wrote:

No, Delta is going under, or was, they declared bankruptcy awhile ago. US Airways tried to buy them out before but Delta declined. Now US Airways was waiting for Delta to start making money before they bought them out.

Ah right Embarassed

My college tutor was saying something about US airways going under. I'll correct her 😎

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

It's crazy that US Airways(USA) wants to buy Delta. US Airways just merged with America West(AW) and USA still has thousands of pilots furloughed. They'll have to merge the seniority list with AW and that alone will be a mess. I would not put it pass them to just announce this as a ploy to increase stock prices of Delta. The government will have to sign off on the deal and considering the recent merger of USA and AW, I don't thing they will allow it.

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