Auto land?

AUTOpilotlll Guest

hi, everyone i just wondered if the boeing 737-400 in FS9 (FS2004)
can land automaticly? ❓

-Can it land on auto pilot?

-how do you do it?

-do i have to download it?

-or do i just have to put some numbers in?

please answer if you have the answer 😀 😀 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

AUTOpilotlll wrote:

hi, everyone i just wondered if the boeing 737-400 in FS9 (FS2004)can land automaticly? ❓
-Can it land on auto pilot?
-how do you do it?
-do i have to download it?
-or do i just have to put some numbers in?
please answer if you have the answer 😀 😀 😀

Three ways:
1. Acquire an aircraft with auto land(pay or free)
2. Download a panel for the default 737-400 that has auto land
3. Download the auto land feature to add to the default panel
Try ➡

AUTOpilotlll Guest

HI again THANKS for that mate 😀

Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

most modern payware jets have some autoland feature or automated flight. But I would learn manual first (that is, if you don't know how to) just in case the autopilot malfunctions

Anything you like Guest

Simple - ALL aircraft have this feature built in and it costs not a single solitary penny.

Take-off set autopilot to chosen enroute altitude/heading/speed and goo and watch tv for the duration of the flight.

Approaching the destination, descend using the altitude setting, slow down using the speed setting and direction using the heading setting. Tune VOR1 to ILS of runway, set altitude to descend at a rate consistent with being at the runway altitude as stated in flightsim and slow down using speed setting and wait until the aircraft shows the ILS IDENT and then switch to APP mode and sit back and watch the aircraft land AUTOMATICALLY.

Now the ONLY aircraft this will not work with are those which don't have a radio stack and/or autopilot.

Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

most of the modern defaults do, but not all, so be careful 😎

Pro Member Trainee
Tristan Trainee

what about SGA aircraft? Are they Autoland capable?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Flight Simulator default aircrafts don't have auto land. You can fly the ILS with the auto pilot but that is not auto land, the aircraft won't flare and land it self. It may look that way but it's just because it's a computer program with limitations. You would hit the ground at 700-800 FPM in the real aircraft and sustain damage.

Auto land is a special feature that was not included in the default FS9.

Air-head Guest

But a word of warning, some of the free panels. Have a button for Autloand, but basically all they do is guide you into the ground at a gear crunching 700-800fpm much like APP would do.

At least I didnt notice any flare, with the free versions I trialled.

I much prefer just either the coupled approach using the APP button, or manually flying down the glideslope.... Afterall thats where the fun is....

Pro Member Trainee
Bartfs Trainee


I always use when im inbound ILS .. Follow the glide slope to the runway
on NAV hold and select the altitude as the altitude of the airport..

Like.. elevation is 412 feet.. then you put the altitude setting on 400 feet..

Your plane will then follow the localizer/glideslope to 400 feet and when you are approaching the runway press APP hold and your plane will flare
down to 400 feet .. when your wheels touch the ground.. Disarm the autopilot..
and raise your speedbrakes and use trust reverse 😉

Air-head Guest

But thats not really the idea behind using APP, nor is it a type of Autoland in the sense known to the Aerospace community. Sure you can workaround the A/P and various functions to make the plane land.

You can also botch A/P to make the airplane takeoff.. Suppose its fun to see what can be achieved with the simulation tools available.

I prefer slightly more realism in terms of the processes used in the realworld.

But if it works for you, then thats great. 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Bartfs wrote:

I always use when im inbound ILS .. Follow the glide slope to the runway on NAV hold and select the altitude as the altitude of the airport..
Like.. elevation is 412 feet.. then you put the altitude setting on 400 feet..
Your plane will then follow the localizer/glideslope to 400 feet and when you are approaching the runway press APP hold and your plane will flare down to 400 feet .. when your wheels touch the ground.. Disarm the autopilot.. and raise your speedbrakes and use trust reverse 😉

The only way the aircraft will follow the GS is with the Approach mode selected, NAV mode only follows the LOC. Pressing ALT, not Approach mode may capture the altitude but it's not a flare, it just looks like one. No matter what buttons you push or when, it's not realistic and would never be done in a real aircraft. It's like using slew mode to get to altitude instead of climbing, it works but that's not the point. If you want to do it for fun, thats fine but if you're trying to simulate real flying, that's not the way it's done. I sometimes land the C-172 with a 50 kt. headwind, not realistic but fun. 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

i autoland by putting the ils frequency of the runway u r landing at into nav1 in the radio then put autopilot on and click the approach button 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I'm tired of explaining so I'll join the gang:

Auto land,Auto Approach
Set the ILS freq. in the NAV 1, select APR and the aircraft will auto land.
You can do it in any aircraft you want, anywhere you want. 😕

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

Cheeks wrote:

i autoland by putting the ils frequency of the runway u r landing at into nav1 in the radio then put autopilot on and click the approach button 🙂

As said above this is not "Autoland" this is just the App hold driving you into the runway, personally i disconnect the autopilot and app etc at about 600/500 ft AGL and land manually!

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

Welshflyer wrote:

Cheeks wrote:

i autoland by putting the ils frequency of the runway u r landing at into nav1 in the radio then put autopilot on and click the approach button 🙂

As said above this is not "Autoland" this is just the App hold driving you into the runway, personally i disconnect the autopilot and app etc at about 600/500 ft AGL and land manually!

Same here 🙂)

From time to time make a visual landing to test your "pilot skills" 😉

Pro Member First Officer
antone First Officer

Cheeks wrote:

i autoland by putting the ils frequency of the runway u r landing at into nav1 in the radio then put autopilot on and click the approach button 🙂

In the sim, do whatever you like. In a real aircraft, I suspect this is a mistake you would make only once.

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