747-400 Glitch!

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

I have a great system that is running the FSX Standard just fine! My ONLY problem is the 747-400 (any version to include addons) has the wierdest wings. Some panels are missing and the wing looks like it is split lenght wise to make one wing above anther. If this makes any sence, please let me know of any fixes.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Another person posted having the same problem with the 747. I initially thought that their computer was unable to handle one or more of the advanced animation features in FSX, setting were too high. I also thought that they were mis-identifying the spoilers for the flaps. When they posted pictures, (not available any longer) I could see the problem was the wings themselves. If you have a strong system and are getting the same indications, I think it's a glitch in the program that Microsoft will have to fix.

tyrick69 Guest

Either your graphics card doesn't support shader 2.0 or it's not enabled in the display cfg. This has been posted many times on several different forums.

Pro Member First Officer
Murfi First Officer

Your graphics card probably cannot take it, so switch off advanced animations and that'll save the issue. The animation on thw wings is that they move in wind and bad weather.

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