2004 Add-ons.... for FSX

{FL}Hausser Guest

I have a question and am going back and forth on which one to go with.

Do the add-ons and downloads for FS2004 work with FSX. Specifically the Carrier-Ops add-on by Abacus. I have been looking for a good Vietnam Era Flight Sim. I have been wanting to fly some of the era's jets.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Most Flight Simulator 2004 add-on's don't work with FSX. Carrier Ops is not FSX capable but Flight Deck 4 is FSX compatible.

{FL}Hausser Guest

I was afraid of that. Looks like I will have to go to the "other" flight sim then to get my fix of Vietnam era aircraft.

Pro Member Trainee
VinnyTS3 Trainee

FS2004 add ons do work with fsx....not all of them but some do. ive downloaded FS2004 aircraft that have worked in FSX

Pro Member Trainee
slinginsammy Trainee

where would you even find it at? I went to best buy and didnt see any of them 😞 .

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

slinginsammy wrote:

where would you even find it at? I went to best buy and didnt see any of them 😞 .

1. You could try on-line (www.amozon.com)
2. Comp USA
3. Circuit City
4. Electronic Boutique(EB)
5. Direct from the company(Google there website)

Pro Member Trainee
slinginsammy Trainee

Where did you find it at?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

slinginsammy wrote:

Where did you find it at?

I don't have it, I'm just trying to help others.

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