GPS IS OFF ON HOLS (on an A321)

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain


I'm off to Gran Canaria tomorrow for a week's holiday, but will be off-line for 2 weeks, so take care y'all and look forward to joining in whatever debates are raging in a fortnight !

Flying with Thomas Cook Airlines, on a brand new Airbus A321... (!) hoping it's got the full Airbus Passenger Entertainment System in, that let's you see the take-off and landing on the TV screen, via the little camera on the Landing Gear !

Little things..... 😂 Embarassed 😛

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Have a good time and trip and if they come down the isle asking if anyone knows FS9 you know they are in big time trouble.

See ya! 👍


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Just tell the cabin crew that GPS wants to see the captain,and Ill let you in ROFL

Have a great time 👍

Pro Member Site Admin
Fly Away Simulation (Flyaway) Site Admin

The-GPS-Kid wrote:


I'm off to Gran Canaria tomorrow for a week's holiday, but will be off-line for 2 weeks, so take care y'all and look forward to joining in whatever debates are raging in a fortnight !

Flying with Thomas Cook Airlines, on a brand new Airbus A321... (!) hoping it's got the full Airbus Passenger Entertainment System in, that let's you see the take-off and landing on the TV screen, via the little camera on the Landing Gear !

Little things..... 😂 Embarassed 😛

Have a good one! When I flew from Sydney ----> Dubai, I was on a new A340-500; what a craft! The takeoff/outside screen is brilliant, reminds you of FS when you're watching 😉

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

Cheers Guys.... the hol was a good break from work.

The A321 was really smooth - typical Airbus - felt like it was being flown by a computer.... The CFM engines were screamers, especially on take-off and reverse thrust after landing..... (The Cabin Crew even announced not to be concerned at the noise levels after landing, as this craft has powerful reverse thrust braking!)....

Unfortunately it was Charter (My Travel Airlines, not Thomas Cook as I previously thought).... so there was no camera showing take-off or landing... awwww!

But I do get Scooby Doo 2 and the Simpsons on the way back !

Good to be back.... when I got home the following were on my mat, so I have plenty to keep me busy and to talk about on here, in the next few days :-

- 747 Ready For Pushback (747-200 classic)
- Italy Scenery Vol 1 (already checked it out, amazing)
- Hong Kong 2004
- Balearics and Gibralter 2004.

Oh well, the lady won't be happy but I am !!

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