
Pro Member Trainee
Dorianee Trainee

ive tried 2 long flights....and they were both not successful.......my first was in a 737.....i was trying to fly from koak to phnl....oakland to honolulu...oakland is rite across the bay from sanfrancisco airport.....but i curised at 34 and when i was approaching the islands...i ran out of fuel....and i got within 30 miles of the runway and crashed.........my second was in a 777 flying from sanfrancisco to atlana georgea....and on approach to the runway i accidenly turned to the left to line up with the runway way a little to hard and screw things up....and it was hard to figure out where i was because it was mid nite!!!.....but i have had several succesful 1 hour flights in a 737 from koak to klax or ksfo to klax

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Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain

Atlanata georiga is where I live. And when you ran out of fuel you could of just refueled in air. Press pause and do it that way.

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

Another way is to press the "comma" tab and i think it will half refill your fuel tanks and no need to pause!

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

bawls327 wrote:

Atlanata georiga is where I live. And when you ran out of fuel you could of just refueled in air. Press pause and do it that way.

Another way is to press the "comma" tab and i think it will half refill your fuel tanks and no need to pause!

I would never do that beacuse it's not realistic at all. You should calculate your fuel before you start tour flight so you don't run out of it. Looks like Dorianee was very close to the airport.

One way to make sure you always have enough fuel on such long flights is to have all the tanks fully filled up. 🍻

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

I know it's not realistic,but i just posted it as on option if Dorianee wanted to use it! As VegasFlyer says making sure you have enough fuel for the flight is always the best option.Or ensuring the aircraft has the range for the flight you want to make. 😀

Pro Member Trainee
Dorianee Trainee

i posted another topic about indicated airpseed and true airspeed.......when i am in the learning center in fs2004.......i read the flying notes about the 777......it says that you are suppose to excelerate to 320kts after you pass 10,000ft.....but once im up that high i try to go to 320 and it says im overspeeding......now when i fly in true airspeed i can get up to 500kts in a climb....but i know you are not suppose to fly true airspeed in the real world.....so can someone tell me what the problem is....because my 737 can fly 320 and not overspeed in a climb........oh and 1 more thing.....why does the 747 have a better climb rate at high altitudes than the 777......at 35,000ft i can only get up to 280 indicated and 300 is overspeeding?????wuts up with this?

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

To tell you the truth I never read those articles in the learning center Embarassed but what I do is when I pass 10.000 ft. I accelerate to 275 kn. and maintain that speed until I reach cruising altitude, than I accelerate to .80 mach. This way I never get overspeed even though it might happen when you pass 25.000 ft. that your speed starts to decrease, I lover the verical speed to around +1500 ft/min and than it's fine. 🍻

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