video card suggestions

Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

My FSX runs alright, but flying into a busy large airport - especially at night - is becoming a little frustrating. The screen kind of stutters a little and freezes for a second or two. I have a feeling this may be a video card issue. Can anyone suggest a good video card to start with? I have a NVIDIA 5500 right now, but I was thinking of upgrading.

thanks !

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Give us your system specs (no point spending a fortune on an old machine) and if you can handle a PCIe or have to have a AGP.

How much do you want to spend.

Edit: You want a AGP, I just looked at your card...very old.

Look on the net and get the best AGP you can find.
I also understand that NVIDIA is coming out with a reasonably priced AGP DX 10 card...lets see if it really happens.


Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

thanks for that 🍻

I almost bought a PCI card yesterday. I'll take a look for an AGP card today.

thanks again - now maybe I can enjoy the views at night a little more

Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

So, as it turns out, I only have a PCI slot - no PCIe or AGP. The only video card I can find is a 6200. Is it worth upgrading (I'd be going from 128 MB to 256 MB of DDR) - or should I just be satisfied with what I have?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

You have to have a AGP slot, it's brown not white.

Download this to see what you have or go to and run a free full system diagnostic.

This is the card you are looking at?


Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

nope - thanks to Dell, or me I guess for not specifiying I wanted one, I don't have a slot for an AGP connection. All my slots are white. You can see where one should be on the mother board, but it is empty.

That's what I am looking at getting.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

wow - thanks for that. Those were about $70 cheaper than anything I was able to find myself. Is it worth investing in one of those cards, or should I keep what I have?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

rowcoach wrote:

wow - thanks for that. Those were about $70 cheaper than anything I was able to find myself. Is it worth investing in one of those cards, or should I keep what I have?

If you can afford it, any improvement will be worth it.
If is tight lay off until you can get a new machine, even if it's a year away.

Look for something in your price range then search it out on the net for the best price, you won't find that here.|c:319|&Sort=1&Recs=10

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