anyone a genuis of computers please help me

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

Radarman and tailhook and a few othrs gave me some great advice o how to reinstall fsx but I recentley found the proble it wasn't fsuip but rather this ➡ I did what it said download the the the item I unzipped it clicked start hit run and typed cmd and put in all the neccisary info there and once typing in the last item at the very bottom it says error HRESULT AND A FEW NUMBERS what is wrong??? I just copied and pasted it and even typed it I didn't space cd/ or anything except the last one so what did I do wrong? Please help me 😕

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Pro Member First Officer
anonymouse91 First Officer

I've had a look around and it *might* be that it is being pasted in wrong. Please could you post whether you are running XP or Vista so I could help more. Or, just type it instead of pasting, including any spaces or capital letters.

EDIT: Also, could you try again and post what it says

Bugs Bunny Guest

try the 4 steps at the bottom of Method 2: Windows Vista

don't think you'll lose anything if you try that even if you're using XP.. worth the try.

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

I don't have vista but what I just relized was I was typing in cd/ but it says to type cd\ which I Couldn't find the \ so it installing now I really hope it works now thanks for the help ill reply again iif it doesn't

P.s im running xp but again lets see if it works properly first

Cheers 😀

Bugs Bunny Guest

found this while searching for your problem and they said it worked.. hope it helps

>>> Run the tool in DOS Command Prompt
>>> Click Start, Programs, Accessories then command prompt
>>> ONce you are in DOS, type "cd.." then hit the return key (Enter) Repeat till
>>> you only have the c:\ prompt in veiw.
>>> Then type "c:\MicrosoftKB928080" hit (Return)
>>> then type "resetsldl -All" make sure there is a space between the l and the
>>> minus sign - and ensure you type a capital A.
>>> it will run the tool, give you a successful message. you can then install
>>> and hey presto it works,
>>> Thanks to Mocrosoft reps who put up with my ranting and raving...

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

Thanks everyone its solved fsx is running again althou all my planes are gone 😂


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