Default flight, and how to make FSX NOT load one?

LearJet45Guy Guest


I'm desperately trying to prevent FSX load up a default flight, when starting. But I've not been successful yet, so how do one prevent loading any kind of flight?

I just want the damn main menu, and frankly, it pisses me off that it's made default, and that I can't figure out how to disable it!

Thanks in advance![/i]

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Pro Member First Officer
oldsamer First Officer

HeHee, I've been there

Settings / General / [Show opening screen] is un-checked.

Pro Member Trainee
Taylor Crockett (taylorc) Trainee

hahaha i think everyone has been there
its that button that says make this the defult flight its like danggling a carrot
dont worry it happens all the time
have fun everyone hehe

LearJet45Guy Guest

oldsamer wrote:

HeHee, I've been there

Settings / General / [Show opening screen] is un-checked.

Oh dear! A big bundle of thanks to you as I was rapidly approaching PC rage!


I thought to stop the preload you had to go to the fsx.cfg file and edit it by adding the line DisablePreload=1 anywhere in the [Main] section Ermm...

Luis E Sanabria Guest

How can I disable the default flight once and for all?

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