Limited Options

Pro Member Trainee
falconxxx Trainee

Has anyone completed the mission titled limited Options on flight simulator X?...I have landed on Hanimaadhoo successfully but have not been able to reach the airport at Male, I keep arriving about 15 miles too short.....tried all kinds of different descent speed and setting to no avail....I should be able to glide the 90 miles distance from about 33000 feet altitude, but obviously I’m not gliding at optimum settings.....any help on glide descent rate and settings would be appreciated.

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orionll Guest

I have made it about 3.5 miles to Male before I crash. That is the scetion the co pilot is going over the before landing checklist. The longest I have made it is a little after the co pilot finishes saying the before landing checklist (10 seconds).I have not yet tried the other landing option yet. I don't know about a decent rate, but try staying level as long as possible or decend at a really small angle.

Pro Member Trainee
falconxxx Trainee

Just had another go at it...gained an extra 8 or 9 miles...but still was 6 miles short..darn!!!!.....
Try again tomorrow have to get some sleep......

Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

I was able to land at the far airport, but it took a number of goes at it. Now I'm not 100% sure if this is cheating or not, but I played the with auto pilot. The first few times I tried I'd usually land about 15 to 10 miles short. I then engaged the auto pilot and played with the decent rates. I think I settled around 1800 or something like that. Once I lined myself with the runway, I was able to land with maybe a few feet to spare. Do not use your spoilers unless you have to, you want to keep as much speed as you can until deploying flaps and gear.

Pro Member Trainee
Smittymatt Trainee

Anyone have a problem where you lose all electrical systems on final approach during this mission? The first few times I fly this mission, i overshot the runway, but all my gadges were working. Recently, when I get about 10-15 Nm from the runway, everything shuts down. I can still fly the airplane and the control surfaces work, but all the computers are down so I don't see airspeed/altitude or anything of the sort. Also, the landing gear and flaps will not lower. What the heck is goin on?

Pro Member Trainee
seldo Trainee

That mission is a little hard butI barely pulled it off.

orionll Guest

Smittymatt wrote:

Anyone have a problem where you lose all electrical systems on final approach during this mission? The first few times I fly this mission, i overshot the runway, but all my gadges were working. Recently, when I get about 10-15 Nm from the runway, everything shuts down. I can still fly the airplane and the control surfaces work, but all the computers are down so I don't see airspeed/altitude or anything of the sort. Also, the landing gear and flaps will not lower. What the heck is goin on?

My computers have worked about 4 miles from Male. My problem is just that I crash about 3 miles from Male.

Pro Member Trainee
mat3329 Trainee

oh god....cant wait to do that mission.... Wacko


If this is the mission where the engines cut out on the boeing, my advice is to fly north to the airport with the shortest runway, you will easily make it aswell as land with plenty of runway to spare.

Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

I think the rewards are the same for either airport - so I guess it really doesn't make a difference.


Anonymous wrote:

If this is the mission where the engines cut out on the boeing, my advice is to fly north to the airport with the shortest runway, you will easily make it aswell as land with plenty of runway to spare.

Ah but where's the fun in taking the short(runway)route.

I've landed on the island...and failed.

The problem is that there's something wrong with the gear...

It won't deploy..

and btw the last portion of the flight is sans electronics.

A great challenge me thinks.


I finished cheating Oops!

I was about to crash about 1 mile or so away(Maile) and just turned on slew mode(y) to get altuide and turned it off and landed it Group Wave

P.S. to lower gear manually use ctrl and g(u have to keep pressing it)
turn on the APU(which is hard) and all the guages work and the gear goes down normally

Pro Member Trainee
falconxxx Trainee

After many trials and error I finally nailed down a full proof formula for a perfect glide using the autopilot, I tried it several times and it works out perfectly....I also landed safely using this checklist without the autopilot.....Here is how I did it first of all I turn to Male with the first sign of trouble to save distance, by the time the copilot ask me which airport I want to land on I’m already lined up for Male descending a normal glide vertical speed at default -1800 with one engine out.....when both engine cut out set vertical speed -1900 .......let autopilot brings you slowly to190 airspeed, set altitude for arrival at 4000 feet 50 miles from airport you should be at altitude of about 21300 feet AGL...set vertical speed to 40 miles altitude is 17000 feet AGL set vertical speed -1700......meantime airspeed at 190 kias to 193...... pitch at 3degrees 30 miles altitude is 13500 feet.....set vertical speed to -1600 ..... 23 miles altitude is 9700 feet ...set vertical speed to -1500......or if need be -1400...remember you are flying autopilot so let the autopilot fly the plane..........from here you can select approach and get lined up for runway ...when female announcer ask you to contact Male approach you should be no lower then 7300 about 7 miles I disengage autopilot and land aircraft manually......follow copilot instructions on gear and flap settings and make sure you flare at touchdown and vertical speed is less then 500 .......once you fly this settings at autopilot you can fly it with autopilot like a charm for me! Love this game 😀

Pro Member Trainee
b3mmredm Trainee

Took me three tries but eventually got it. Went off the runway a bit but got success at the end

Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

if you think you're not going to land with enough runway, you can try engaging the Autobrake to full.

Pro Member Trainee
olikea Trainee

I found it easy to fly this mission:

The key is to realise the significance of what the copilot says "190 knots best glide speed".

The best glide speed represents the optimal speed to fly at to maximise the gliding range - too fast and excessive drag means you lose precious kinetic energy. Too slow and you lose lift (and again trying to maintain a high angle of attack creates excessive drag).

Therefore, try to maintain the pitch at a level that maintains 190 knots, that way you can make it to male airport with plenty to spare, in fact I had to use the speed brakes to get the speed down on the final landing approach.

For those who complained about the loss of power, this isn't very well explained by MSFS, you have to turn on the Auxilary power unit or (APU), the buttons that control this are on the top panel above your head, or press "shift+5" to bring up the panel. You should be able to figure it out, if in doubt keep pressing all the buttons until you get power! 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
sgtrwmartin Trainee

Loss of power is due to the loss of the two powerplants (engines) the APU (Auxillery Power Unit) is what spools up the engines and also initially powers on your guages and MFD's on initial startup (at least, on a blackhawk if I recall correctly)

Pro Member Trainee
rswanson Trainee

I have failed at this about 50 times to Male.

I have figured out some key areas to success. I must admit, I am a novice, but have been practicing etc.

It's important to start the APU generatory and hit the APU switch after the first engine failure. That will prevent the loss of power and instruments. (look overhead panel).

Key 1.

Learn the GPS system. When I load the Airport data for Male and wait for the "Activate Button". Right after you select Male, enter that activate button. That will automatically start the turn for Male.

Key 2. When the pilot says a normal decent, do not over due it. I would guess between -1000 to -1800 feet max.

Key 3. Speed. Keep it at 190 knots. You can do this by monitoring the Verticle speed indicator and using the that wheel knob to pitch up and down. When you start to slow, pitch down.. and vice versa. I have found, I am between -2000 and -1200 feet per minute. Also, I load the hold alt at 100 feet. Monitor that every second and adjust accordingly.

Key 4. Landing the bird. I think you can do this. But I have found not lowering the flaps at the last minute helps me with altitude.

If anyone has any improvement, corrections or technical details, please add.

I hope this helps.

Carl201488 Guest

I basically turn autopilot off as mission starts and put full throttle on and turn right and head to male and then climb till engines fail and then descend slowly and should leave you plenty of altitude to land at male

Agent Orange Guest

Just wondering... is this mission based on that one time when Transat 236 ran out of fuel over the Atlantic and had to dead-stick to Lajes? (That flight was on the "Mayday: Air Disasters" documentary show, I believe the episode was called "Running On Empty".)


I've tried this mission and failed. After I worked out the glide ratio on a post it note and turns that you can't make it at normal glide. The jet would smash into the Indian ocean 20nm short of the runway.

I may be wrong but I used the formulae 1000ft to 2 miles.

Groydddd Guest

Just attempted the Male landing and landed it it on my first try, went at a -1800 f/m glide mostly and when I started losing speed, disengaged autopilot. Finally, about 5 miles out, I realized I might be a bit high and had to get down in time. Didn’t even focus on the approach until getting past WP1. Did they somehow make it easier?

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