HELP: problems with nocd fix


HELP I have added the nocdfix and now i cant get in to my hard drive it just starts flightsim

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Pro Member Captain
Dave Copeland (davec) Captain

Are you using Windows XP ❓


yes im using xp home

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Could you tell us step by step what the problem is.
I don't understand what the no-cd-fix has to do with your h/d.



after i put the nocd thing in my c drive has turned into a plane and when i click it flightsim starts

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Take it out for now and see if everything returns to normal. Don't forget to put the old exe back in the main (root) folder.
Then we will try to see what's wrong.



thats my problem i cant
my c drive has gone its a plane now and if i try to open it flightsim starts

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I never heard of that. First go into search, type in FS9, delete any little airplanes you find but don't empty the recycle bin you have to save them.
If that won't work then try this:
Try to drag it off, if that doesn't work the right click and rename it "C Drive".


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