Hello fellow simmers,
I have really noticed the bad "blurries" after SP1 - How do "we" deal with those rascals? - I "know" not everyone is experiencing them, but a lot of folks are - especially if you attend other forums.
Your help and expertise is always appreciated.
Anthlon 3800 Single Core - 3 gig ram - 22" WSM, 8800GTS
i think you have to install SDK again.
Thanks to all that have responded.
I added the line suggested at the MS site - .033 - Restarted to no avail.
I have tried anti-bilinear-trilinear settings - lowered my global texture to med - Still Have Blurries.
The "only" thing I know has changed is a new Nvidia Driver for the 8800Series - (Mine is the 640meg version)
I have my fps locked at 30 - I am getting anywhere from 12.8 - 29fps, of course, depending on where I'm flying.
I used the "mission" Aleutian Cargo Run as a test. After many changes and setting, the take-off gravel is very blurry - the shore lines are virtually straight lines -
What am I to do??? I did the "upgrade" install of SP1, no "add-ons" were present. Other forums with the "blurries" say to do a "clean" install from scratch???? I haven't seen this here - which is "my" holy-grail for solid info.
Please help if you can. PS - I have "NOT" tweaked nVidia's Control Panel.
Thanks again in advance..........
Try the control panel first, NVIDIA, set AA to 2X AA to 16X. mip map to quality.
If you still have it, uninstall SP1.
I've written about these issues on a couple of posts (see http://www.flightsimx.co.uk/?p=399 and http://www.flightsimx.co.uk/?p=415). The changes mentioned there have completely removed all blurries for me.
RadarMan wrote:
See if this helps.
I went to that link that you suggested and when it came up it said I have been banned from this Forum seeing how i never been there before?????
JarJarBinks wrote:
RadarMan wrote:
See if this helps.
I went to that link that you suggested and when it came up it said I have been banned from this Forum seeing how i never been there before?????
If you have AOL that may be the problem, also the hosts firewall may be stopping your ISP.
thanks RM
also regarding this post
in FSX i experience a completely black shadow on the aircraft.
such as if the sun were to my left then the whole right side and belly of my aircraft is black with no color at all, has anyone experienced this and is there a way to fix this
thanks in adv.
JarJarBinks wrote:
thanks RM
also regarding this post
in FSX i experience a completely black shadow on the aircraft.
such as if the sun were to my left then the whole right side and belly of my aircraft is black with no color at all, has anyone experienced this and is there a way to fix this
thanks in adv.
Post a screenshot.
dont have a program with which to capture one sry... and dont plan on getting one in the future. best i can do is describe it.
JarJarBinks wrote:
dont have a program with which to capture one sry... and dont plan on getting one in the future. best i can do is describe it.
Free, the app and Photobucket.
thx RM ill look into those but right now my PC does not have internet so im using my grandparents and sisters, and using a flashdrive memory stick to d/load and transfer them but i will look into those.
JarJarBinks wrote:
dont have a program with which to capture one sry... and dont plan on getting one in the future. best i can do is describe it.
Look closely at your keyboard. It should have a key that says "Print Screen" or "Prt Scrn" or something similar. Press it. Standard feature of Windows. paste it into Windows Paint and save it. Also a standard feature of Windows. All standard Since Windows 3.1 (or before? DOS?)
Also, pressing the "V" key within FSX will capture and save a screenshot; you just have to find it.
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