fs2004 service pack

jhnsn1900d Guest

does anyone know if there is a service pack for fs2004? Like i know there is a new one for fsx but dont know if there is one for fs2004 😕

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

jhnsn1900d wrote:

does anyone know if there is a service pack for fs2004? Like i know there is a new one for fsx but dont know if there is one for fs2004 😕

Here it is.



jhnsn1900d Guest

Thank you

Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

Thanks RadarMan for finding this. Is it worth downloading? What if anything does it correct?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

It does some up grading but mostly replaces the 160 bridges that are missing.

If you do use it and use the NO-CD crack you have to change to the 9.1 crack or the patch won't work properly.


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