Weird Plane in Boston!

Pro Member Trainee
Flyguy41983 Trainee

I am aware that Flyglobespan has started service to Boston. I had no idea that this airline was using a 737 for their international service. Why are they using the 737? Is the capacity not as big as they hoped or is this the aircraft that has been used since day one of operations. I am disappointed. I thought they would use a 767 or a 757 like on the JFK route. This is the picture i was looking at

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Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

Boring 737-800,900 has a range of up to 2500nm. Believe it or not Malev-Hungarian airlines also uses thet 738 for flights between Budapest and JFK. It does look kinds wierd, but it's true.

Pro Member Trainee
Flyguy41983 Trainee

I knew the range ,but thank you for clearing that up. Should be neat to see an international airline flying a domestic aircraft!! 😀 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

The Flyglobespan fleet includes the following aircraft:(as of May 07)

2 Boeing 737-300
4 Boeing 737-600
2 Boeing 737-700
3 Boeing 737-800
4 Boeing 767-300ER (includes two aircraft wet-leased from Neos in Italy, EI-DOF (leased until 15th November 2007) and EI-DMF (leased until 24th November 2007)
3 Boeing 757-200 (includes two Icelandic-registered aircraft (TF-FIS and TF-FIT) on wet-lease from Icelandair to 31 October 2007 and 30 November 2007)
Note: Flyglobespan's own 2 Boeing 767-300s will be on lease to Air India over Summer 2007, reducing the 767 fleet to 2.

Aircraft orders
Flyglobespan announced in August 2006 that it would also lease two Boeing 787-8 Dreamliners from the International Lease Finance Corporation for ten years, to be delivered in March and November 2010.

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