World of AI

Pro Member First Officer
art lippel (effieveda) First Officer

Hi all,
I need some help in finding the World of AI installer. I've been to their site and to Avsim, and seem to find all of their packages but not the installer. Could someone please help me out. Either I'm blind or stupid. probably both. Thanks in advance.
Best regards ...Art Embarassed

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
art lippel (effieveda) First Officer

Thanks RM,
Only problem is that when I click the Avsim url it says I have a "cookie problem". I down load stuff from their site all the time. Are you sure about that url or maybe there's a different one. As usual, I'm baffled.
Best regards ... Art

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Works for me if I sign in.
Scroll down a few inches until you come to this:

World of AI - Installer and Updates

In one of the boxes will be the link to avsim and the installer.

Or, feed this into avsim search and it'll come up.


Pro Member First Officer
art lippel (effieveda) First Officer

Thanks alot RM - I got it.
Best regards ... Art

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