FSX won't start: GFX Card 24-bit color

Pro Member Trainee
Mavix Trainee

I have a problem with FSX. A while ago, for no apparent reason, FSX wouldn't start, telling me that my GFX card was running in 24-bit color. What's strange is that the day before it had worked. Between then and now I have re-installed it about three times, and re-installed my GFX drivers, but no luck.
Anybody know what the problem is?
(BTW: Just in case you are wondering, the GFX card is running in 32-bit color)

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Pro Member Trainee
kozine Trainee

I know you say you have re-installed the GFX card drivers but are they the newest ones?

Can you tell us what graphics card you have?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Not starting is usually cured by deleting the log file but as for the 24 bit color problem.
Why not go to a hardware forum, I think NVIDIA has one and see what they say.


Pro Member Trainee
JG3Bulldog Trainee

When something stops it's normally recieved an auto update. Try going backwards and installing the old drivers for your card first, see if that helps.

Pro Member Trainee
Mavix Trainee

I am using the geforce 4mx. It's rather old, but I don't really play games all that often anyway. I am using the latest drivers available for that card, and no, it has not auto-updated.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

If I'm right that card is 64mb, hardly suitable for FSX.
I had problems with one on FS9, and bought a 128 for that.


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