Wont start

Merchant123 Guest

Hi all

Need help. After i install FS2004 and go to launch it a window appears asking me to insert disk 4 into the drive (note: the disk is already in the drive). After ejecting and reloading the window still appears. I have tried re-installing but to no avail.

Any suggestions??? 😕

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Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

Is it the original Disk ?

It sounds like the CD is not being recognised as the true CD4.

Unless you're having problems with other CD-ROMs on the drive, in which case it could be you CD rewriter.

If you're using a copy then it probably won't work - if it's the original FS2004 CD4, then I would shout very loud at Microsoft !

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Merchant123 Guest

Thanks RadarMan but it still isn't working. It isn't the original disk so that may be the problem.

Don't ask me where the original disk is either, i have no idea. It's around here somewhere but where is anyones guess.

Any thoughts from here???

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I don't know what you mean about "original" disk but if it can be replaced.

Or, buy (rebate) a new sim.



captainkat Guest

G'day Merchant123,
I'm having the exact same problem with my Disk 4. I tried that link that Radarman came up with, but it didn't help. What did you end up doing?

MarioCart Guest

I think we all are having same problem here, I finally finish installing MSFS2004, and I am being asked same thing "insert disk #4"
I already got "Disk #4 in my drive" I think new way to prevent copies other than using the Original.

Pro Member Captain
Germán Campopiano (Oberkomando) Captain

Have u tried to explore in your 4th cd. for a crack folder?
when the game is not original, theres a crack folder in which u have an FS9.EXE Archive, and u have to replace this one with the one in the microsoft games one.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

MarioCart wrote:

I think we all are having same problem here, I finally finish installing MSFS2004, and I am being asked same thing "insert disk #4"
I already got "Disk #4 in my drive" I think new way to prevent copies other than using the Original.

Why not use the no-cd crack.
Don't forget there are two now, one for the original FS9 and one for the patched version.

I'd give you the links to them here but you have to be a member to download.
They can be found elsewhere.


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