FS9 / Vista Screen Help !

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

I didn't know what Catogory i should put this in so i will just put it here.

Right on my screen when playing FS9 i get little box dots as you may of seen on my FlyUk screenshot flight i did couple days ago.

Cheeks said somthing to me about it on XFire a couple days ago aswell and he told me to avtivate something on my computer but i couldn't find it.

I searched around and found out it was not included with windows vista and there so i have to install it but i don't know where i can get it from.

Now i know this is stupid of me but i forgot the name of the think i am looking for thats why i need help as soon as cheeks see's this he will comment the name but mean while hers's a pic and if you look carefully you will see what i mean (dots around the cloud)

(i have not resized, so you can see more better)

Any help & i will be greatfull.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Chris, looking at that picture that you sent me, I think I know, next time I see you on Xfire i'll show you.
If only it was XP I would be able to help your anti-aliasing problem 😉

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Cheeks wrote:

Chris, looking at that picture that you sent me, I think I know, next time I see you on Xfire i'll show you.
If only it was XP I would be able to help your anti-aliasing problem 😉

Just tell me here i don't go on XFire much i just need the word you said it was.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Ok well that last pic u sent me there was an advanced icon that should've given u the graphic options for your card and to put anti-aliasing up 😉

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Cheeks wrote:

Ok well that last pic u sent me there was an advanced icon that should've given u the graphic options for your card and to put anti-aliasing up 😉

Thats right but i did what you told me and went through all the folders but there was no AA as we are both useing diffrent Windows.

I also serched it on the computer and nothing so il try and find it.

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