Antialiasin problem.

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

well first of all, i am back !!!!!!!! ....ok, now about the problem. I just installed fs2004, deleted FSX, and downloaded all the updaates. When i go to nvidia, in control panel to set my AA, it doesnt work in the game, i tried to use the anti aliasing that the game offers in the options, it doesnt work as well. Does anybody have a clue? what should i do?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Don't use the AA in the game. Having a Nvidia card, there should be a little icon in your system tray (right end of the taskbar). Right-click on it and change your AA settings from the 'Performance and Quality Settings'.

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

Tailhook wrote:

Don't use the AA in the game. Having a Nvidia card, there should be a little icon in your system tray (right end of the taskbar). Right-click on it and change your AA settings from the 'Performance and Quality Settings'.

😂 thx tailhook, thats what i am doing, but it still doesnt work in the game, i still see jagged lines.

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

so does anybody have solution? it still doesnt work.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Have you tried 4x?

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

w/e now it works . Thanks for replying anyways.

Pro Member First Officer
art lippel (effieveda) First Officer

What did you do???? 🙄

Later ... Art

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

effieveda wrote:

What did you do???? 🙄

Later ... Art

To tell you honestly, I dont even know 😀 I think I took off the vertSyc and Force off. Anything else is working, AA on 16 and AS 16

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