fs2004 problem

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

hey FS2004 isnt reading my keystrokes on my keyboard like ill press l to turn on all the lights on the aircraft but it wont work all of the buttons on my keyboard dont work when i run fs. now I have my new X52 flight control system and it worked fine when i got it for Christmas but now when i save my assignments the get reset everytime i run fs.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Couple of issues it could be.... first.

Did you restart your comp at any time?

You will need to reload the profile you saved (taskbar)... easy way to check if it is not loaded is to look at the throttle MFD... should say NO PROFILE... which means... load your profile using the saitek icon in the taskbar.


if this is happening in game, try control alt delete and choose task manager... then close it out (the task manager not FS). Go back to FS. Sometimes this works to get the keys recognized again (memory issue).

If neither of the above work, you got me on that one.

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