Cannot get Push back to work

Pro Member Trainee
Simmy Trainee

I have a problem with the push back. I can get the plane to push back but pressing the 1 or 2 key makes no difference to the direction. The plane will not turn.
Any ideas please


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Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

This took me (beleave it or not) 2years to finally fugure out how to turn with Shift + P

I only discovered how to do it by mistake.

But its a simple....

Shift + P for pushback
Then stright after the release of Shift + P press 1 for left & 2 for right.

Pro Member Trainee
Simmy Trainee

Thanks for your reply but it still doesn't work in FSX. Works a treat in FS9


Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Oh... Well it is there i beleave so it should work the same...

I know you said it worked in FS9 but i was bored before seeing your post and i made a little video...

Although it is FS2004, it should all be the same in FSX.

Pro Member Trainee
Simmy Trainee

Thanks for the video clip. Still cannot get the 1 & 2 keys to work. Don't know why.


Pro Member Trainee
Simmy Trainee

I'm no computer buff but is there something that needs altering or altering in one of the FSX files to correct the problem?

Pro Member Trainee
Mark Hyder (markhyder) Trainee

There is a free addin for pushback.

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Fly Away Simulation (Flyaway) Site Admin

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