assigned gates for aircraft

crosscheck9 Guest

Can any1 plz tell me what the difference is between Gate Heavy, Gate Medium, and Gate Small, and Ramp. THanks

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Pro Member First Officer
George Leach (CDR) First Officer

It is very simple.
Heavy stands for heavy AC like the Boeing fleet enc.
Medium means medium size AC.
And small stands for small AC.
They all go by the sizes of aircraft using them.
I would assume that the size of the gate would not fit all sizes of AC,

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Actually, its more complicated than that. It has to do with weight.

Aircraft over 600,000lb loaded are classified as Heavy, and thus get the Heavy callsign. EX 747-400

Medium does stand for medium sized aircraft, lol, but what classifies it as medium? I believe its under 400,000lb.

Small is under 100,000lb i THINK. Not sure, but i think thats right

Ramp is used for any aircraft staying overnight at a airport or goiung to be there for a long time

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