Hi All
I've seen this happen before, for some reason any plane in FS2004 will not keep the throttle up, but after a few seconds revert back to idle speed.
Even hitting F4 and taking off, then it cuts back to idle, I even see the throttle controls slide back on their own.
I can manually keep my finger on F4, or F3 to keep the throttle going, but weird.
Was working yesterday. Went out of the game, came back in, same problem. This happened once before and I for the life of me can't remember how I fixed it.
Also, I remember a patch for refuelling issues with NWOrient 747, when refuelling it tips backwards and more or less you're sitting doing a wheelie.
Any help appreciated.
I think the tipping back thing when refuelling is a fuel distribution problem that can be sorted in the Fuel settings in the Aircraft tab at the top of FS04. Make sure there is sufficient weight at the back and front so the Centre of Gravity is centered and not at the tail! 😀 I've had this problem before and started doing a wheelie down the runway at Heathrow in a 737. 🙄
about the throttle cutting back, if your not planning on using the joystick, disable it. that way, the sim will only respond to things you do with the keyboard.
Figured it out, and yes I want to use the joystick...
On the Microsoft Sidewinder 3 there is a sliding button on the left side. I must have accidently bumped it as that is the throttle control, even is deselected and not wanting to use in the Control Settings it still overrides and works in the game...
One must have it all the way to the bottom of the slider to disable it, otherwise you must use it. I had accidently bumped it with my hand and not matter what I did software wise, the hardware overrides it.
One mystery down and one to go. Not sure what the previous poster said about fuel balancing, will try to find what that is. I remember reading awhile back there was a patch for the NWO 747.
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