Airbus A340-600 freeware download

Rick G Guest

Looking for an Airbus A340-600 download? I have been looking for some time now and tonite I downloaded, by mistake and unbeknownst to me, the listing shows it is for FS2004. I didn't pay much attention, I have FSX, and it downloaded fine! It is a multi-livery download, I think a total of 6 aircraft, I kept 4 and deleted 2. Had to tweek a few things, missing the "max bank......." entry in the config file, changed the flaps settings some and all is good! One thing, config file has no payload entries, but they have made up for that in fuel. First takeoff using one of my saved flight plans, The aircraft ate up a lot of runway. I flew some 110 miles and on the return leg, I had used enough fuel, the takeoff was a normal as one could expect! All in all, it was one of the best freeware downloads I have done yet! Oh, I did delete sound files and the original panel. I used the default A321 sound and a freeware panel that I had that works for both 340 and 380's (I don't care for virtual cockpits).

Download is and it is available on this site! Again, don't let the "FS2004 compatibility" steer you away! It worked fine with my FSX!

Enjoy! - Rick

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Rick G Guest

This thread needs to be moved over to the Flight simulator X Downloads. Sorry about that!


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I hope this helps.


Rick G Guest

Thanks! Downloaded this and have enjoyed flying it. Wanted to share with others! I just started the thread in the wrong forum!

Thanks Radarman!


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