.DLL and Runway problems

Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

Hi - I've got a couple of problems, can anyone help please?

First, when FS2004 loads it gives a "VIMACORE.DLL" error. I also get "VistaMare Core FS Interface Error, Could not load REFUEL.DLL".

Second, a couple of runways aren't right in my Lago Georender series, it seems there is an invisble 'step' a couple of feet high at the end of it and the runway doesn't display properly (like one runway on top of another). It is enough to crash the plane.

Any ideas please?


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Go into /start/search and find the two dll.'s and remove them but don't delete them.
Keep them in a folder in case the sim won't run without them

See how that works then go to the other problem.


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Follow Radarmans advice for th dlls
Have you checked whether there is a patch at the Lago site ➡


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