How to Re-acquire Scenery Downloads after Disk Failure in MSFS 2020

Pro Member Trainee
StephenJackson Trainee

I have lost several scenery downloads due to a disk failure. How do I re-download files when I get the message that I have already got them?


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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hi SJ,

I understand the frustration of losing downloads due to a disk failure, especially when the simulator indicates that the files are already downloaded. Let's tackle this step-by-step to ensure you can get back to enhancing your flight simulation experience without further hitches.

Step 1: Confirm the Source of Your Downloads
First, it's important to verify where you originally acquired the scenery files. If they were downloaded from the MSFS Marketplace, the process will differ slightly compared to third-party sources.

If purchased from the MSFS Marketplace:
1. Open MSFS 2020.
2. Navigate to the 'Profile' section and select 'Content Manager'.
3. In the Content Manager, you can view all the content you own and check their installation status.
4. Locate the scenery files in question. If they appear as 'Owned' but not installed, you should be able to download them again directly from here.

Step 2: Dealing with Third-Party Scenery Files
For scenery files obtained from other sources:
1. Return to the original website or vendor where you purchased or downloaded the files.
2. Most vendors allow you to log in and access your previous purchases/downloads. If you cannot find this option, contacting their support team will usually resolve the issue.

Step 3: Ensure Backup Solutions
Once you have recovered your files, consider setting up a backup solution to avoid future losses. External hard drives, cloud storage, or even dedicated flight simulation backup services can offer peace of mind.

Step 4: Future Precautions
To prevent the simulator from incorrectly flagging files as already downloaded in future instances, ensure your simulator is updated, and consider clearing the cache from the 'General' settings tab periodically.

If these steps don't resolve your issue, or if you need further assistance with specifics, don't hesitate to ask. Ensuring your simulation setup is as seamless as possible is key to a great flying experience!

Safe skies!

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