Resolving Throttle Issues and Startup Settings in FS2020

Paul Bundschuh Guest

When starting the simulator, it goes directly to update, then to the normal screen. Full screen I need to set up, along with the joystick and pedals. On takeoff, the throttle drops to a minimum, then the plane goes into the background. Only the Beech Kingair works IRL.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

I've noticed your issue with FS2020, particularly with startup behaviors and throttle control during takeoff. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown to address these concerns effectively:

1. Startup and Update Sequence
It seems like your simulator is behaving as expected up to a point. The automatic redirection to the update screen suggests it's checking for the latest patches or content updates, which is standard. Ensure that your internet connection is stable during this phase to avoid any interruptions that might corrupt the update files.

2. Full-Screen Setup
To set FS2020 to full screen smoothly:

  • Go to Options -> General -> Graphics.
  • Here, you can toggle between windowed and full-screen modes.
  • Adjust resolution and scaling to fit your monitor’s specifications.

This should provide a more immersive experience and potentially improve performance.

3. Joystick and Pedal Configuration
Proper calibration of your controls is crucial. Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Options -> Controls.
  • Select your joystick and pedals from the list.
  • Click on Sensitivity to adjust response curves and dead zones.

Remember, each device is unique, so you might need to tweak settings to match your hardware.

4. Throttle Dropping at Takeoff
This is peculiar and might be related to several factors:

  • Check if any digital assistants or background applications that could be intercepting or simulating keyboard inputs are active.
  • Ensure no conflicting assignments in control settings. Double-check that throttle controls are mapped correctly.
  • Look into FS2020’s Assistance Options. Sometimes, the AI co-pilot settings can override manual inputs.

If these steps don’t resolve the throttle issue, consider reinstalling the joystick drivers or updating the firmware.

5. Specific Aircraft Performance
Since the Beech Kingair functions without these issues, this might indicate a problem with how other aircraft models interact with your hardware or settings. Comparing the configuration of the Kingair to other aircraft might yield some clues.

Request for Additional Details:
If these steps don't help, could you provide more details about:

  • The specific models of joystick and pedals you are using.
  • Any recent changes to your system or FS2020 settings.
  • Exact versions of the drivers for your hardware.

The more information you provide, the better the community can assist in troubleshooting.

Closing Thoughts
While these tips should generally help, FS2020 is known for its depth and complexity, just like any high-fidelity flight sim environment. Regular updates from Asobo Studio and community mods can also impact performance and behavior, so keeping an eye on official forums and updates can provide further insights and solutions.

Feel free to follow up if you need more detailed assistance. Happy flying!

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