I got the addon a day ago and its well worth the money.Its a big big change as I have never used the FMC before.I was doing the introductory flght and had done everything write(I think) and on T/O when I set T/O power the was a strange noise it was some sort of beeping and it only stoped after rotation.Half way thruogh the flight I saved it but when I came back later all the imformation in the FMC had gone!!Can you help me?
The noise you heard was the "TO Config Warning alarm" telling you not to take-off.
The most likely cause for this is either:-
- Flaps not at a Take-Off setting (5 or 10).
- Trim not set to a valid TO setting.
...make sure these are both set (I always use Flaps 5 and TO trim set within the 'green' area - on the Throttle unit).
Thanks GPS-Kid.I completed the intro flight but I think I will do it agian chust to get used to it.
No its still doing it what do I do ❓flaps are set to 5 and trim is in the green area like you siad GPS-kid
I have sorted out the problem I'm not quite sure what it was.I did the same flightagian to get used to the plane and I made the biggest mistake I forgot about the gear!!!!! the warning horn should have went off but just my luck it didnt so I had to whate for about ten mins for it to load agian and hoping that it would reset on final app (it sometimes does that) but it didnt
anyway I love this aircraft and I highly recomend it to enyone.
What frame rates are you using [because my computer get stuck every now and again in the VC]?
So does my pc there is a big long pause about every ten minutes but its worth it becouse the VC is so good.I get about 6(or lower when at a big airport) to 34fps in this aircraft.
ranald wrote:
Half way thruogh the flight I saved it but when I came back later all the imformation in the FMC had gone!!Can you help me?
You can't save the flights using the PMDG 737 NG because FS can't recognize all the new gauges. That happened to me when I tried to save a flight using the PSS A340 Professional. Nowadays, the developers are trying to create something that fix this. The Level - D 767 and the PSS Conorde Professional have this new feature so the flight can be saved.
I am still getting the same problem and sometimes it will freeze for about 4 mins and then un freeze loading times take ages (I dont mind that) and the TO warning horn gos of even though I have done the TO checlist correctly.
I think maybe you got a corruption when installing Ranald, I'd try a re-install.....
Before doing this you could maybe have one more go, following the tutorial right through....
To avoid that "T/O horn", check :-
- Flaps set to 5.
- Trim set for T/O.
- Landing Lights are on.
- Main Generators have been switched over from APU Gens.
- Autobrake set to R-TO.
Good luck ! 😉
The only time that this happened to me on this plane that i just got was that i forgot to put the V1,VR, and V2 speed in the FMC.
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