No sound

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

I need some help. The sound in fs seems to have dissapeared. I cant hear the engine sounds interior nor exterior and only the sound effects work (e.g. flaps, landing gear). This started getting very annoying now. I also recieve a message in flight simulator startup saying that a file called FSSound.dll is icompatible with FS. This only happened after I installed a few addons. Is there any way to fix this, or can someone please send me the default sound file that you think may be corrupted. This only started happening yesterday when I downloaded a freeware stand alone version of an aircraft.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

I get the same message when I start mine. Click on yes because that is most likely the cabin callouts ect. in the airline jets. (that's what it is on mine at least) I don't think that has anything to do with you not having any sound. Try pressing Q. If that doesn't work go into options and sound. You may have to adjust a few things in there.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Remove that FSSOUND.dll from your "Module" folder, keep it safe in a new folder in Modules in case you need it and see if that helps.
You can always put it back, you probably loaded an old one with that new aircraft.
I have version in mine.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Is this what it looks like?

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

yeah, thats exactly what it looks like

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

thanks but pressing Q or deleting the fssound.dll still does not work. Anyone else know of a solution

BashDaBish Guest

I had a similar issue when I installed the greg737 panel. It just said to allow the file and it worked fine for me. The readme with greg737 mentions this problem.

Hope this is the same issue, if not then sorry I do not know.

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Thanks for helping but I already tried allowing it, but it failed. 😞

Pro Member Trainee
Hef Trainee

Sorry, can't offer any help. I am new to the sim scene; I have recently downloaded several A/C, all work fairly well. My problem also, is there is no engine sound. I have no problems with the rest of the the sim, all original planes are great, it is only the few downloads that don't work. Any suggestions.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Put those sounds back in the folder that they came out of. Those are the sounds for the commercial jet cockpit. They are the announcements. Don't mean to be disrespectful though RadarMan. 😕

Do you have sound on your PC at all?
Did you accidently delete the sounds in the sound folder?
Is it one plane or is it all planes?
Are your speakers on? I have a switch on my speakers that I have to turn off every night.

I was just throwing out ideas. There are people on here that know alot more than I do. But I really doubt that that message has anything to do with it.

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Do you have sound on your PC at all? Yes, definitely, checked in windows media player, real...
Did you accidently delete the sounds in the sound folder? I cant remember, I installed this stand alone version of a full package aircraft (windows installer)
Is it one plane or is it all planes? All planes
Are your speakers on? I have a switch on my speakers that I have to turn off every night. Yes

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Thanks but i cant find a FSSound.dll file in the file at all, there seem to be other application extension files though

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain


I just looked and it's not there, did you remove it like I suggested before and how did the sim react.


Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

I tried your removing technique a few days ago and it still didnt work. I tried allowing it and it didnt work. Sorry if im annoying you 😞

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Your not annoying me or anyone else, that's what the forum is here for, helping each other.
We all run into problems at one time or another.

Try installing my FSSOUND.dll.


Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Thanks but its still does not work. I guess the only way outta this is reinstalling. Thanks a lot for trying anything, i appreciate it 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Too bad it didn't work. Good luck with the reinstall.


Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Thanks, but I have another problem. My idiot of a cousin sat on my flight simulator install discs accidently, and now they've snapped Crying or Very sad . I contacted microsoft and asked them if they could send replacement discs, just sent the request right now, do you think they might accept?

BashDaBish Guest

Not a might be better of to just purchase the game again and save your precious time.

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Why, have you already tried this or something 😕

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Just incase you think all discs have snapped, only discs 1 and three have snapped, the rest are fine, i told microsoft this anyway

BashDaBish Guest

Nah mate, I haven't tried it but I know it is common practice.

Imagine the and your friend have FS2004. You both claim for a CD replacement. You ask for CD 1 & 2, your mate for 3 & 4. There we are.....another free copy for you to share the profits on Twisted Evil

Can you imagine popping into a garage you just filled your car up at and asking for the petrol you just spilt over the motorway due to a cracked petrol tank. Same sort of scenario.

You are right to try though 👍 Just don't be expecting them to say yes Ha Ha

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

I thought they did supply a few disks if they are broken, as people have suggested it here before 😕

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

But this is really not the scenario, I'm being honest here 😕

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

I ran over disk four with my chair ROFL but luckily I only needed the CD crack, have a look at the last post 😉 I think as long as it is only one or two disks and you can't load the whole simulator from then it should be ok, worth trying anyway 😉

BashDaBish Guest

I know you are was more of an example.

I doubt Microsoft will replace your CD's but if they did then that would be fantastic. I have heard of them doing it for someone before but at a charge which was pretty close to purchasing the game. Of course, someone may have been trying to wind me up so please don't take my word for it.

My comments are designed to manage your expectations should you not get any joy.

If others say they have had replacement CD's from Microsoft then Microsoft are unique in this respect. No other supplier would do this hence why I am shocked to here Microsoft would.

I know they would do it if the CD was scratched provided you sent them your scratched CD. Is this what others may have mentioned?

But I have never heard of anyone replacing lost CD's before.

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Its alright I know you're trying to help. But I still have hope for a positive response since people here have been posting that microsoft services are very helpful and reliable. Or I could just send them the proof of snapped pieces of the disc 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
SoCalRick First Officer

twistedsucker wrote:

Its alright I know you're trying to help. But I still have hope for a positive response since people here have been posting that microsoft services are very helpful and reliable. Or I could just send them the proof of snapped pieces of the disc 🙂

I have a friend who accidentally broke the critical disk #4 and he contacted Microsoft and they agreed to replace the disk. When the box arrived from Microsoft it was the entire game package! So we'll cross our fingers for you, but my guess is that they'll take care of you. 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Thanks SoCalRick, infact you're 100% right! Microsoft agreed to replace discs and they sent me the whole package is well! They are the best! And as for you BashDaBish, i think you need to brush up on your knowledge about things a little bit 😀 😛

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