Stopping Engines

Woodmouse Guest

I am quite happy stopping the single prop engine, with M + -, but how on earth (In FS2004) do you spool down and stop the multi-props and jets. I am flying the superb DeHavilland Dash 7 and after parking, cannot stop the engines. Please help.

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Pro Member Trainee
James F. Mitchell (jfmitch1716) Trainee

Ctrl SHIFT F1 cuts the fuel and that's the way I stop my Learjet.


Pro Member Trainee
John Leathley (superpom) Trainee

flying the dash 8 also, to stop engine open throttle quadrant view and pull mixture levers all the way to cut off

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😂 You could always configure a spare button on your joystick or any where on your keyboard through the option in fs9 😛

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