Stil have the avsim problem

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

I still have the avsim problem. i click to download the file. this is anyfile on the database. none of them work for me. then it begins to download. then when it is done, before the folder opens an error message pops up and says "the compressed(zipped) folder is invalid or corrupt. and the folder doesnt open. i cant save the folder cause you can check a box that says always use this setting or something so i checked it and hit open instead of save. can someone help me to make the downloads work. thanks.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

If you just installed SP2 that could be your problem, or if you adjusted the security settings.

Try using Firefox just for avsim, don't use it elsewhere.


Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

RM, ive tried everything. ive let it accept all cookies. turned off my firewall. everything.


Are you clicking "Save As" and not "Open"?

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

I cant click save as. there the box that u can click that says always uses that setting. so i click open so it always open's the file

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

I think I had that problem after my famous virus. 😂 After you clikc on "Download" scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link you see. 😕 Just an idea.

Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

RadarMan wrote:

Try using Firefox just for avsim, don't use it elsewhere.


Ahem....RM exactly what is wrong with firefox??? I use it all the time! Way better than IE. I only use IE for Windows Update.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

I use mozilla firefox just for this forum. The reason I don't use it for other sites is because it contains quite a few bugs and viruses etc are easily downloaded from Firefox. A lot of spyware and adware I used to get came from Mozilla so I used IE again 😉

Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

so why use firefox just for this forum?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

99jolegg is correct, it's full of holes, they're trying to keep up with them but like they did in the old Netscape days (same old browser, new name) it's not very safe.

Why use it for avsim, for some unknown reason IE won't work for him (and a few others) so It's just a suggestion and so far a cure to use Firefox there.

I keep an updated version on my h/d for slow sites, it's a faster browser.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Barge wrote:

so why use firefox just for this forum?

As RadarMan just said, I had to PM him when I first started my time here because I couldn't post messages in the forum as it just said "Invalid Session", so here I am using Mozilla 😉

Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

Ah now i understand...

guest Guest

It is certainly your Security Settings that stop the downloads from Avsim - there is a way round it -
On the IE Explorer top menu
Select Tools
Select Internet Options
Select Security
Select Trusted Sites
Select Sites
Type into the text box and select Add
Do not alter anything else in this window
- should work.

When you try to download from Avsim by selecting Save
a little message will pop up - "Do you want to download this file" - or words to that effect - click on the message to start your download - always using Save - never Open.

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

None of you guys are hearing me correctly. I CANNOT SAVE THE FILE, I CAN ONLY OPEN IT. There is a check box on the screen where it would say OPEN, SAVE, or CANCEL. If you check the box it would always do what you chose. So I accidently checked the box and hit open.


Do you actually see this Download dialog box on your screen -

The problem may be because you have the "Always ask before opening this type of file" box unticked

Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

That is the problem....hes just said that!

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

Cool now ppl can understand. no i cannot see it. I unchecked the Always ask before opening this type of file. dont ask me how or why i just did. then i clicked on open. so it will always open. it will download then right before the folder comes onto the screen it says "The compressed(zipped) folder is invalid or corrupt and the folder doesnt open.

Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

Ah ha!

I have it (hopefully)

Open any folder and click Tools -> Folder Options.
Now click the File types tab.

Scroll down to the bottom until you find the ZIP extention. Click it. Now click the Advanced button, and click the checkbox which says 'Confirm open after download'. Click OK.

That should fix the prob.
Let us know.

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain


Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

Great! Bow Down

I found that completely by accident. It works with all other types of file when you click that checkbox "always ask before opening". Just find the extension in the list and click the advanced button.

Glad it worked.

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