Is there a max altitude in FS2004?

hackinatrix Guest

i have never played flight simulator before, but i am a avid aerospace fan and i was wondering how accurate the game is when it comes to high altitude flights like 100,000ft in something likea U2 or a F-104 starfighter or maybe a Mig. is there a max alt ceiling in the game? what are the physics like up there? i think theres and expansion pack called "x-planes" but im not sure. i need to know detials about high altitude flight before i go buy it and theres not much about it on the net.



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Pro Member First Officer
michlin First Officer

FS2004 is not a military flight simulator. Although various military addon aircraft can be installed, I personally have not found one aircraft that will fly at altitudes over 70,000 feet correctly, or at all.

X-Plane is not an expansion pack for FS2004. While X-Plane is similar to Microsoft's FS2004 simulator is separately developed and published by Laminar Research.

Pro Member First Officer
Paiute First Officer

The aircraft that can fly at 100,000 feet has not yet been built. The F-104 Starfighter is not really a contender for the highest altitude-- at 58,000 ft.

The highest flying aircraft are as follows---

SR-71 Spyplane 85,000 feet
U2 Spyplane 70,000 feet
Mig 25 Foxbat 68,000 feet


hackinatrix Guest

thats what u think,
those are the recmommended service ceilings(which are underrated as to not give to much away).they can go much higher, a f-104d model i beleive held the simultanious speed and highest altitude record in the 50's at over 100,000ft that but that was a stalling trip and wasnt sustained. the SR-71 specs are abit iffy, but conservative estimates say 100,000ft sustained flight and some more outlandish ones say 125K ft. the MiG 21 and later Mig 25 were built to intercept the SR-71 but couldnt quite get there at only about 90,000ft. Xplanes can go double or in the case of the X15 triple this height. but thanks for the info, im really looking for a high altitude simulator and i may look further into this X-planes game i was just hoping of getting the quality graphics and such of flight simulator.

Pro Member First Officer
michlin First Officer

hackinatrix wrote:

... im really looking for a high altitude simulator and i may look further into this X-planes game i was just hoping of getting the quality graphics and such of flight simulator.

What quality views (graphics) would you expect to see at extremely high altitudes? Some clouds and haze far far below. Some remote weather patterns. Up there you would only see deeper blue sky and the curvature of the Earth. In contrast, even at FL350 the view is not exactly breath taking.

Whatever floats your boat. 😕

Pro Member Captain
Germán Campopiano (Oberkomando) Captain

U can check the altitud by changing it, in flight, using GPS map, if u put a high number the game will automaticaly message u with an altitud limit.
Wich i think is like 36,000 meters.

Sr-71 Blackbird
MIG-25R Foxbath

hackinatrix Guest

Oberkomando wrote:

U can check the altitud by changing it, in flight, using GPS map, if u put a high number the game will automaticaly message u with an altitud limit.
Wich i think is like 36,000 meters.

Sr-71 Blackbird
MIG-25R Foxbath

hey thanks for that. if your gona fly a plane you mighht aswell do it in the upper stratosphere at mach 3...

Pro Member Captain
Sam (SamIntel) Captain

Extremly hight altitude flight in FS in not accurate. Even planes that are supposed to fly that hight don't perform well in FS, and if you were at 100,000 feet in real life you could see the curvature of the earth, but you can't in FS. How ever all other aspecs of FS are great. 😉

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