Airline: Kuwait Airlines
Aircraft: a320
Route: Bahrain - Kuwait
Departed on time, but very difficult initial climb. I was flying in very stormy weather, so the plane kept sinking, but soon enough, I got control of the aircraft, engaged autopilot, and I was on my way.
The Decent was fairly normal, however, when I entered the approach, that's when I started to find trouble. I could barely see in front of me. I tried to line up solely on instruments, which I pesonally find difficult. A few seconds before touchdown, I noticed that I was off course, so I started to try and make a few corrections, but it was just too overwhelming. Trying to get my height and horizontal relation to the runway was very difficult, considering how close I was, and how close my speed was to stall. I decided not to go around. I finally got my self heading travelling to the runway, but my heading was 2 degrees off course. I figured that when I'd land, I'd have time to apply enough rudder to stay on the runway. So now, my main concern was vertical relation. No matter what I did, I couldn't get the correct decent rate. There was too much wind shear, and my aircraft was being thrown up and down, so I didn't know whether to apply or reduce thrust. I touchdwon before the threshold on the grass, and it was very bumpy too. Upset, I exitted the sim without taxiing to gate. My main concern here is, besides go-around, what could I have done to cancel out wind shear?
Don't knock going around 😉 , or the use of Autoland features. They were certainly made for days like that!
When you're finding that you have a lot of wind shear, don't try and over-compensate with the throttle. Law of averages says that it'll eventually even out, so make very calm and mild thrust adjustments (unless really really necessary). Also, when you're heading in check the wind direction. A good speed to be on the glide slope at is Vref + 5 in normal conditions, but under really bad weather it's going to be Vref + headwind + 1/2 gust. (note, if you have 10 kts true headwind, you'll be adding roughly the equivalent to your Vref, but if it's 10kts from the left or right, that's going to be reduced. The headwind that guide is talking about is how much wind is blowing right in your face.) I usually find this puts me a little fast, so use your judgement, but it should prevent you from reaching stall-speeds before your touchdown.
Also, if there really is too much by the way of wind-shear on the approach, try diverting to another airport.
Glad to hear you toughed it out though! Now get back up there and show the storm who's boss! =)
Exciting flight with a very good description from you Crosscheck. 😉
I can see that you are enjoy you new card and i also can see that soon your flying skills will be proffesional(you are much much better than me this moment ).
😀 😀 😀
Thanks for the replies so far guys. I'm nowhere near optimum flight proffesionalism, but I'm proud to say I'm on my way there. The reason I didn't go around in that flight, is that I was keeping a pattern throughout my flight, and the weather was only getting worse. Also, on takeoff, I used up more fuel than claculated, in order to quickly clear the clouds that were really weighing me down. If I diverted, I wouldn't know where to divert to. Kuwait is on the borderline of north-eastern Saudi Arabia, and I don't think any of the airports there would handle an a320. Anyways, I will continue to fly such flights. I must first pefect my instrument flight, and then I'll try to make my touch landings. Although I didn't like that flight, I sure learned alot from it. I used to be nervous from attempting such flights, because I didn't want to crash and so I just want to say to all those who refuse to fly in such weather - it's okay, don't worry about crashing..It's a sim, and in order to reach the top, your bound to make a few errors, but make sure you correct them in your next flight. There's nothing wrong with the occasional failiure of a flight, as long as it's only in the sim. Well guys/gals, I'm about to go attempt the return flight from Kuwait to Bahrain in the same aircraft, and the same weather. I'll let you know how it goes. 😉
WHAT A FLIGHT!! 😀 - Everything went perfectly. I departed from Kuwait in the perfect conditions. After rotation, I was very quickly able to maintain a positive and stable rate of climb. It took me 9800 ft to clear the clouds, so I when I did, the rest of the flight was smooth. Decent was normal, and then, again, at around 9500 ft, I entered a set of very dense clouds. I was asked to descend to 5000ft. I maintained 5000 for about 7 minutes, then, I was vectored to the runway, and asked to desecend to 1500ft. I kept my eyes on the ILS indicators, and made my turn for final as necessary. Then, I was able to slightly make out the runway, lights, so I used them as a guide as well. I started my descent a little later than required, so I was high for most of the approach, but I applied and reduced thrust as neccesary, and I touchdown right after the runway threshold. Fantastic flight. Just another well earned boost of confidence. I ask anyone who hasn't flown in stormy conditions to give it a shot. Once you buckle down and get it right, it's well worth the effort.
Toughing out a bad situation is always a good idea. Even if it doesn't go well, you learn a lt. Of course, the option to divert to a less hazardous destination is always a choice. To quote a German philosopher, "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."
I often create emergencies. I just killed the engine and electrical on a Cessna Grand Caravan at 19,500 ft. over a rugged section of Nevada, No nearby airpots. After circling around looking for the best landing area I coould find, I put the plane down at less than 60 mph. I my have broken the nose gear, but I suspect I lived thru the experience.
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