Feelthere ERJ-145

Pro Member Trainee
mickwill Trainee

I have been flying a freeware model with Bill's panel, which does a great job. However some of the functions are missing.

I am considering getting the Feelthere ERJ-145 as a replacement. Does anybody here own this aircraft or have any views regarding it before I splash out the dosh ❓



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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Some of the members have it and they've been singing praises. It shouldn't be long now and at least one of the proud owners will tell you all about it - just give them time to awake from their beauty sleep Sleep

Rick 😀

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

Well it wasn't quite beauty sleep, at least it didn't seem to help me much 😉 .

The ERJ-145 is a superb aircraft from feelthere. It is definitly the most realistically modeled regional jet out there! I've had a chat with an old ERJ pilot at UVA and he says that the real aircraft flies very much like a fighter jet, and so feelthere really hit the mark when they did their model! The only think you'll find is that you might want to increase your null-zones slightly, since they equipped it with an autopilot override when you give it control input.

As far as the look of the aircraft, the Virtual Cabin and external model are pretty sweet, although the VC is nothing to write home about. It's fairly small, so it's easy to get accustomed to, but they left the overhead panel in a flat, stretched out form of the 2d one, and doesn't seem to fit well with the rest of the VC. That's perfectly fine though, because with all the systems they modeled you really want to be flying in the 2d cockpit anyway! The main panel is a visual treat, and very clear to read!

The FMC is another wonderfully detailed system. They included plenty of data entry that, when used properly, can tell you everything you've ever wanted to know about the plane! Although it is tough to start thinking of your payload in terms of number of passengers rather than straight out weight, its easy to make the calculation. The nav portion also includes jetways, sids, and stars for nearly all airports! (which can be updated with each navdata cycle).

Fair warning though, it's very hard to start thinking in this new plane. Startup, programming, management, you name it, is all very different from your standard boeing or airbus payware. I usually prefer checklists to tutorials, but this is one plane that a good tutorial is a must to get comfortable with it. Your first few times up you'll probably hear warnings and beeps everywhere, with a couple of little notices about missing data in the warning list on your right display 😉

Pro-Sim has put out a great "operations" guide, not a checklist or a tutorial, but something great to read for when you've finally gotten comfortable in the plane. I'll get you the link later. Hope you've enjoyed the read 😉 ....

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

I have it. It is a fine plane.

Pro Member Trainee
mickwill Trainee

Just found it on play.com for £14.99.

Should hit the doormat on Friday.



Tom Huben Guest

I recently got ripped off by feelthere/simmarket.com for a payware ERJ 145SE.

Answer from Simmarket and feelthere (Wilco)

The product is fully fs2004 compatible however the paints are now everywhere on Avsim, flightsim, etc as we no longer keep the liveries.

therefore a refund is denied.


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